Sunday, October 10, 2010

Toshiba Dvd Vcr Combo Recorder Costco

good Sunday to tuttissimi !!!!!!
.... eh .... I tried this week .... I returned to "illo place" (see previous post ... sigh) to see if I could get hold of at least this time I am blessed rhubarb .... Well, no trace of the requested !!!!!!!

I really think that this year will no longer be ordered .....

patience ..... now I put in the account to wait another year to try recipes that ingredient ......

course I still do it for a treat this Sunday and so I finally decided to eat that jar of cherries in syrup that looked at me sadly every time I opened the pantry and that, to spite me, it was always in front of others, forcing constantly moving, finding a place "less impicciante" (I wonder why then I found him always around ...... mystery !!!!)

I am certain distinguished for its originality .... but I thought that the sour-cream frangipane mixture as a filling for a tart would be sooo gorgeous!

and then ..... I realized that unconsciously I was inspired by the famous Bakewell tart "!!!!

regarding the frangipane cream, there are many recipes around .... I preferred to try this, which I liked very much (if not a little mistake like that of Luke Montersino)

cherries were not many, so I used a ceramic mold cm. 18 in diameter (the damn hurry) I forgot to butter ... I said to myself: here is screwed: you will be able to put on a plate??

and this is also why I made photographs with the cake still in pan (eheh)

but then .... that cu ..... um ..... fortunaaaaa: I managed to pull out !!!!! but since the pictures "include mold" came good, so I put one too;)

unfortunately for a couple of Sundays I can not make sweets nor post something: ((
accordingly ... we see between three weeks!


- 250 gr.
flour - gr.
sugar 125-gr.
125 butter - 1 large egg
- flavors to taste (vanilla , almond etc.).

frangipane cream :
- gr. 90
butter - 100 gr.
sugar - 100 gr. flour Almond
- gr. 40
flour - 2 eggs

a jar of cherries in syrup

icing sugar Method:

Prepare the pastry in the usual way and put it in the refrigerator. If you do not have almond flour: put in the robot (the blades) and then turn the almonds until they become flour. Whisk the eggs and sugar, add the butter (soft) into small pieces and mix it. Then add flour and mix well. (You can prepare in advance, keeping it in the fridge).
Line the pan with the pastry (keep aside a little), fill with frangipane cream and then put on the sour cream (pushing the dough). With the pastry aside, forming a grid on the tart. Bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Before serving, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I must say that it is good !!!!!! : Ppp

we really liked, I hope you like it too!

ciaoooo and the next!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

West Elm Cincinnati, Oh

Cake Hazelnut cake filled with grape

Good Sunday to all!!
ehhhh .... I was hoping for this Sunday and instead of making another sweet .... nisba!
me explain: last Tuesday, I went "by chance" (vabbè.. lo ammetto... ci sono andato apposta!!!!) alla Metro dove ho trovato, finalmente, il rabarbaro fresco :))))!!!!!!
era parecchio tempo che lo cercavo per provare un paio di ricette che ho nel cassetto .... così mi son detto: forse acquistarlo oggi è presto e non dura... quindi venerdì o sabato ritorno e lo compro (tra l'altro il prezzo non era proprio a buon mercato: € 9,90 al kg più iva.... e rischiare di sciuparlo, mi dispiaceva proprio....)
bene!!!.... ieri sono ritornato e..... arghhhhh!!!! non c'era più!!!!!! il responsabile del reparto ortofrutta mi ha detto di averlo gettato via (gettato via????) un paio di ore prima, in quanto non si vendeva!!!! due ore prima???? miiiiii ....che sf...............ortuna!!!!
... però mi ha detto di ritornare questa settimana che forse.......... sperem!!!!!!
quindi..all'ultimo ho dovuto ripiegare un dolce con gli ingredienti che avevo già in casa.
il dolce che ho preparato deriva da una ricetta di Ciliabilia (del forum di Gibon). la ricetta originale l'ho presa qui .
Nella ricetta originale sono previste gocce di cioccolato, mentre io, per renderla un po' più "festiva" l'ho farcita con una ganache al cioccolato e ho anche utilizzato una bagna al rhum aromatizzata coffee.
simple .... but good !!!!!

-200 g flour - 200 g sugar
- 200 grams of finely chopped hazelnuts
-120 grams of butter
- 30 grams of oil
3 eggs - 1 tablespoon baking
- 2 tablespoons of rum
for stuffing (optional):
- 200 gr.
fresh cream - 200 gr. dark chocolate
- a spoon margarine

wet: (by eye and taste): water, sugar, rum and a bit of a teaspoon of instant coffee)

Put all ingredients into a robot and blend until that have blended well. (Unless he wants us to add eventually chocolate chips to taste). Then pour the mixture into a greased and floured baking pan with a diameter of cm. 24/26 and bake at 175 degrees for about 35-40 minutes (that is always the toothpick test).
ganache (you can prepare in advance) to put the cream in a saucepan and bring to boil. Then add the chocolate into small pieces and mix bene fino al completo scioglimento del cioccolato. Una volta fredda aggiungere la margarina e montare con uno sbattitore fino ad ottenere una bella crema.

Quando la torta è fredda, tagliarla in due, versare la bagna sulla parte inferiore, spalmare la crema e ricoprire con la parte superiore. Spolverizzare (se si vuole) con zucchero e velo e.... papparsela!!!! gnamm!!!

vi assicuro che è già buona anche senza farcitura....... ma farcita così è buonissima!!!!!!

a noi è piaciuta molto, spero piaccia anche a voi!!!

the next and ... a hug !!!!!