Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sensor Light Eml Series E100

parfait with grape meringue cake with coffee

my kingdom for a sunbeam!!
.... mmm ..... oh well (those who believe in my kingdom?) ..... say a slice of this cake for a ray of sunshine ....
indeed ... in this weather, its not a mousse is just set .... but I assure you that you "went down" just fine! eheh!
today we celebrate the birthday of sciura Marisa and therefore I focused on something of his choice, "much cream !!!".
As for the recipe for soft ice cream to coffee, do not remember exactly where I got it: I have found the ticket in one of those steering wheels turning per casa e questo vuol dire che molto probabilmente l'avrò presa da una trasmissione televisiva. Io ho solo elaborato un po' la ricetta, aggiungendo la meringa.

Meringa (francese):
- gr. 200 di albume (M. Santin dice che è meglio utilizzarlo vecchio di un paio di giorni)
- gr. 200 zucchero semolato
- gr. 200 zucchero a velo
- alcune gocce di succo di limone (8-10, io non le ho contate)
Crema :
- ml.500 di panna da montare (io utilizzato quella zuccherata)
- 1 can (gr. 375)
condensed milk - 2 egg
- instant coffee to your liking (I used 3 teaspoons)
optional: tails of chocolate to decorate
Procedure :
meringue: whip the egg whites well with sugar and lemon drops. Then add the powdered sugar Mix with a spatula, trying not to remove the mixture (from top to bottom). Put the meringue in a nozzle with sach a few round and form the base of the cake and hat, two spirals cm in diameter. 22 on a sheet of baking paper placed on a baking sheet (I per fare i dischi giusti, ho disegnato i cerchi sulla carta forno). Con la meringa avanzata fare dei piccoli ciuffetti, che serviranno per la decorazione.
Io ho cotto le meringhe in forno a 110° per circa 1 ora e mezza, lasciando lo sportello leggermente aperto: ho messo un cucchiaio di legno per evitarne la chiusura.
Crema : Montare la panna con il caffè solubile (io per farlo sciogliere bene nella panna, ho polverizzato il caffè solubile, schiacciandolo con il dorso di una bottiglia). Mescolare bene con una frusta i tuorli con il latte condensato e unire la panna montata (sempre cercando di non smontare il composto)
Assemblaggio : Prepare an iron ring opening of a diameter slightly larger than the disk of meringue. Insert a disc of meringue inside the circle, then add almost all the cream (keep aside about 1 / 5), making sure to fill well the edges "empty". Put the cream on the second disc (by pressing lightly) and then cover the disc with the remaining cream (I created a sort of concentric lines using a notched trowel).
Put in freezer for several hours, then unmold and decorate as desired, with tails and chocolate meringues.
to serve, remove from freezer about 1 / 2 hours earlier.

is very good!!
really deserves to be tried!
we loved it!
I hope you like it too!
a hug and the next!
ps: auguriiiiii my love !!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Directions To 12055 Queens Blvd Kew Garden

bananas and yogurt drops ....... Turkish Cups Tart

ie: good, light and .... fast!!
how nice ..... After Sunday, Sunday ... Sunday in bad weather and finally today we see the sun!! ....... but .... phew!!
uff why?? because the sun just touches me to see him through the glass, with runny nose, dry eye and pain everywhere!!
evvabbéééé ... then it is ..... Ortuno sf!
will mean I'll spend the afternoon lying in bed, reading a good book.
A bit 'for my physical condition and a bit' to protest against the inclement weather so that they mocked the sotttoscritto, for this Sunday I had decided not to put myself in the kitchen ... and, for once, be an armchair in a warm blanket ....
masses ... but then ... by ... at least a little something not too challenging, you could always groped to do .. (^_-)
and besides .... I noticed in the refrigerator 4 beautiful (once) bananas that were starting to show signs of old age (the series was getting dark skin: mmmm, could perhaps be caused by the sun tan unexpected? ... Booh !)
and, therefore, "spintaneamente" of my own, I decided to consume the sweet today.
after seeing around a bit 'of recipes, I did my own thing: a cake so light and very simple to make: just throw everything in a blender and you're done!
- gr. 450 of banana pulp
- gr. 60
butter - 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
- gr. 250
flour - 1 / 2 tablespoon baking vanilla
- gr. 100 chocolate chips (I think it would put even more)
- 1 pinch of salt
- gr. 150 sugar cane
- 2 small eggs
- gr. 100 of the banana yogurt (ehm. .. the jar was 125, but I could not resist the temptation to taste a spoonful)
Mash bananas with a fork until a puree. Place brown sugar in a mixer con il burro mordido ed amalgamare. Senza smettere di far girare il mixer, aggiungere in sequenza: le 2 uova, il sale, la purea di banane, la farina setacciata con il lievito e la cannella. Per ultimo, togliere le lame dal mixer e, nel contenitore stesso, utilizzando un cucchiaio di legno, mescolare all'impasto le gocce gi cioccolato. Trasferire il tutto in una tortiera imburrata del diametro di cm. 24 e cuocere nel forno a 180° per circa 45 minuti (vale sempre la prova stecchino).
Una volta fredda, se volete, cospargere la torta con zucchero a velo.
io l'ho servita con whipped cream, sweetened with a little 'sugar icing: really good!!
we really liked, I hope you like it too!
ps: I realized today that if the batteries are almost empty of digital photos are even more horrible than usual ...
the next! (^_-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We Need Tarceva, Philippines

good Sunday!!
.... how nice ... no rain today and they told me (I swear I believe !!!!)..... above the fog that is the sun !!!!!
... uhm ....... How's that? .. who accotenta ..... little tan!
with sweet today continue to recycle a bit 'scattered remnants of the house that still remember past holidays I had the result of frozen egg whites and cream social, above all, a large amount of dried fruit, which is now no place on our table (read: we are all "almost" diet ").
The recipe I found in the journal PIU 'DOLCE "(a couple of years ago') and, turning on the network I've seen that has already been proposed by the talented Francesca's blog "and not just Sweets." The recipe can be found here .
For the pastry: 350
gr. flour, 160 gr
. sugar, 160 gr
butter 2 small eggs,
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 pinch of salt
grated rind of 1 lemon

for the filling:
60 gr. walnuts,
60 gr. pine nuts,
80 gr.
not skinned hazelnuts 200 gr. not blanched almonds
300 gr. sugar, 240 grams of egg whites

1 pinch cinnamon 1 cup of dry liqueur (I used Calvados)


Shortcrust Pastry: Sift the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl then mix it with the cubed butter, sugar, lemon zest and eggs. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator. After the time line a mold.
Filling: tritatate nuts with 70 gr. of sugar. Pour the mixture into a saucepan with the remaining sugar and then flavored with cinnamon. Add egg and liqueur and cook on medium heat for 5 / 6 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the filling on the crust, level and bake the tart in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 40 minutes, then protect the surface of the preparation with a sheet of baking paper and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
If you like, once cold, dust with powdered sugar

otherwise, it is no good ache:


we really liked, I hope you like it too!

to the next and a hug to everyone / and!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Uk Bmi Data, Females 2-20

almost tiramisu (e. .. riclclo pandoro)

eh ..... after all spignattare past few days .... I admit that there is no great desire to get back in the kitchen!!
and ... then ... where I ride home, I see a lot of sweets, cakes and similar remnants of the debauchery that Christmas, I admit, I find the courage to "throw" "" (and this does not necessarily mean "throw in my belly." .. hehe!)
for the time being ... I begin to recycle a pandoro .... a simple recipe with simple (and not so original ..)
I preferred to use the ricotta cream: I liked the thought (or just the thought ..!) to do a little something sweet '"lighter "..... (^__-)
Ingredienti (per 4 coppe):
- fette di pandoro (spessore: 1 cm circa)
- gr. 400 ricotta
- 3 cucchiai di zucchero (se la panna non è zuccherata 4 cucchiai)
- ml. 200 di panna zuccherata
- 4 tazzine di caffè
- Cocoa

Preparation: Place the slices of
pandoro in the oven to 150 degrees and toast (do not burn: 15/20 minutes should suffice).
Stir with a whisk the ricotta cheese with sugar until creamy. Whip cream (I added cream 1 teaspoon cocoa). Then gently mix the cream cheese. Cut into small rectangles pandoro (like cookies) and roll them quickly in the coffee, then fill the cups in layers like a tiramisu by alternating a layer of cream with bits of pandoro soaked in coffee, ending with the cream (I for cream I used a sach a few: it is more convenient). Leave in the fridge until just before serving (with the cocoa powder).

greedy !!!!!!!!

we really like, I hope you like it too!
a hug and see you soon!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Disney Cars Birthday Cake Receipe And Template

Panettone uncle .... from '

Finally I made it !!!!!
were at least 3 years that I wanted to do ...... This year I managed to find time to try to make the cake I also (of course I owe special thanks ai miei amici che si sono adoperati per trovarmi gli stampi... che da noi non si vendono e.... se non hai amici dotati di pasticceria...... è dura procurarseli!!).
e così..approfittando del fatto che questo Natale l'ho passato a casa (finalmente...), mi sono detto:::"ah...Da' non fai il panettone quest'anno... non lo fai più""!!!!
naturalmente ho ascoltato il "mio consiglio disinteressato"..... ^__-
ma.... quale ricetta provare???? ogni anno esce una ricetta più o meno nuova...... (e tutte ottime!!!)... mah!!!!!
ed ecco inspiration: the talented Federica posted a recipe for panettone made with yeast (which in turn was inspired by this recipe taken by the equally mythical blog Morena )
obviously thank you both (smuack!!)
then .... along with the reverence due diligence process and their valuable advice .... I started to "cake "!!!!
will carry almost their full recipe (I have done practically to the letter, my only differences: the last batter I used the bread machine and the latest rise has required a couple more hours )
Ingredients Total (for 2 Panettoni from 750 grams)
685 g strong flour
95 grams of water
6 gr of fresh yeast 180 g sugar
70 g egg yolks 270 grams of whole egg
150 gr soft butter
3.5 grams of flavor cake (or 3 orange and lemon 3 - 1 vanilla)
7 g salt 250 g raisins
100 gr candied orange
50 grams of cedar candy
The first three mixes are really easy and can be done easily by hand without the use of the planet.

20 grams of water
3 g yeast 1 g sugar 30 g flour
Mix all together and allow to double in warm place (about one hour).
second dough at 9.45 am;
Dough previous
10 grams of egg yolk
27 g water 55 g of flour
4 grams of sugar
Mix all together and put back to double. (another hour)
(put the yolk in a small bowl, and advanced and keep in the refrigerator covered with foil.)
THIRD MIX 11.30:
Dough previous
50 grams to 10 grams of water
egg 100 g flour 3 g baking powder
5 grams of sugar
Knead again and put everything right again to double (about two hours).
FOURTH MIX at 13:15:
Dough previous
500 g flour 50 g egg yolks 270 gr
eggs 170 g sugar 150 g
7 grams of salt
candied raisins
put the dough in the bowl above, eggs and egg yolks, sugar and half the flour (take from 2-3 tablespoons) .. mix well to obtain a homogeneous mass .. add the remaining sugar and flavorings; work string until the mixture well and in the meantime soak the raisins. Combine the softened butter to the dough a bit 'at a time, alternating with remaining flour and leave it to absorb a lot of the other .. .. add salt to bring back to stringing. Now add the candied fruit (possibly broken) and dried raisins work .. just enough to mix everything .. divide the dough, form 2 balls and put them to rest covered in a lightly floured plate for 30-40 minutes, then pass them in the molds the ball by trying to reform the pirlatura (put your hands with your palms facing each other as to applaud, support them in the sides of the ball by moving your hands at the same time .. one forward and one backward trying to round up the dough), cover with a foil and let rise until the heat arrives at the edge: about 4 hours
turn the oven to 175 degrees. With a razor blade to cut a cross (you can use a sharp serrated knife not smeared butter), place the butter and bake for cuts 45 minutes. (Cover with aluminum in the case, those too) ... Once the baked panettone should chill them hanging upside down (Bring knitting needles are steel skewers long enough to move from side to side .. bury it about 2 cm from the base and out the other side) When cold wrap well in plastic-transparent paper and seal them until the proper time to eat!

During cooking I covered them with foil after about 30 minutes.

The flavor was very good .... only that I believe I have come a bit 'aciutti. (I have them "bagged" as soon as cold .... and we've eaten the next day). In my opinion I would have to cook them a little 'less than 45 minutes.

however I have them served with a muscat cream ... and I have been very appreciated!!

a hug and see you soon!!