in this post deepen the planet earth from 'external:
planet earth up to 500 was considered the center of the' universe, only later thanks to some scholars (Newton, Galileo, Kleplero ) it was discovered that the earth revolves around the sun and on itself. Today we also know that it is the third closest planet to the sun which allows it to be not too cold nor too hot.
seen from space the earth looks round, but by measuring the polar and equatorial radius is discovered that the earth and flattened at the poles and bulging in the vicinity of 'equator.
The earth has elements that allow esserei living to live there. Among these factors are the atmosphere and hydrosphere.
atmosphere, and a kind of envelope of gas that stretches around the earth, is used to filter the sunlight and prevent the spread too quickly in space.
The hydrosphere is the water instead of on our planet, it represents about 71% of the earth's surface, while the rest is occupied by the lithosphere and that land.
revised information from the website and
observe and experience the book and the photo taken from the website
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