Sunday, February 1, 2009

Velodyne Spl Series Ii Subwoofer Stopped Working

Muffin the yogurt ....

Sunday ^___^
Good Friday I was invited to the pizza that sometimes we organize with my blogger friend of Cagliari, Corniglia, Miranda, Piulina and Andrea! There would have been even Mat but unfortunately could not come last

:-( As I have already done this summer I made muffins just to give to my friends!
The choice has been for much of the muffin simple but a very delicate taste and fruity!

Muffin the yogurt

Ingredients: 250 g flour

2 uova
100g zucchero
1 vasetto di yougurt (io ho usato frutti di bosco)
1 bustina di lievito
poco latte
Frutti di bosco per decorare

Lavorare le uova con lo zucchero quindi aggiungere lo yougurt e il latte. Infine la farina setacciata con il lievito.
Versare l'impasto nei pirottini e infornare a forno ben caldo per circa 15 minuti a 180°.

Questa volta a differenza delle altre, ho utilizzato la teglia apposita per i muffin, eccoli appena sfornati ^__^

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Ora fase decorazione ...quindi spazio alla fantasia

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Ho utilizzato dei frutti of wood and then I sprinkled sugarmill icing and chocolate!
order to lay the berries over the muffins and they do not fall, I cut a cross over so that they can then lay down without falling during transport ;-)

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are not delicious? And now

accommodation in special bags to be packaged

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And here is the final result

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A big kiss and the next out of the oven from your Morettina !!!!!! !


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