The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a mammal of the family Ursidae. The distinguishing trait
white fur that being photographed with white ultra violet light appears black, this means that absorbs heat, living in cold regions like the North Pole and areas of the Arctic Ocean, the polar bear has developed a thermal insulation so effective as to be hardly perceived by infrared cameras.
The weight of this giant animal can be anything up to 800kg, its height reaches about three meters, the puppies at birth weigh from 600 to 700 g. Needing very
food as well as polar bears to hunt on land hunt in the sea due to their extraordinary ability to swimmers.
A technique of hunting bear 'to hunt seals, is to wait for prey, sighted under the ice near a crack, when it kills her to breathe.
polar bear when hunting on lands encounters prey such as eagles, owls, polar foxes, reindeer and lemmings.
While hunting ground instead finds seals, walruses small, whales ...
The bear and usually a solitary animal, only during periods of mating occurring in the spring is in small groups. To breed the bears have to fight because the females are few, the puppies are born between November January and take three years to become independent.
The research has been done with the sites and wikipedia
the fuck is taken from the site
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