Sentiero Tiziana Weiss
Difficulty: E Provisions: least 1 liter and a half of water per person, and a good amount of food (sandwiches, dried fruit ...)
Equipment: The trip can take from a harness ferrata.
Description: The hike starts from 'so-called refuge near Tita Piaz Sauris. The route begins on a dirt track of the nature trail "Tizian Weiss" and continues with a gentle climb up to a car park located 500m from the start, after the car park the trail continues with the up and down in some places with a significant gradient along the
path you can see some details rock formations (see photo). After about 40 min. you get to walk casera tintin which is always open as a result you can sleep. After casera you encounter a fork that goes to the left, ignore it and go straight up to the next crossroads. The first of the two leads to the tip of the 'bird in less time but we continue on the' other path with the number 233. the path continues with a constant slope and is predominantly in the middle to 'grass due to a lack of care and high. Along the trail you will also meet the benches placed near the statue of the Virgin Mary. After the statue will continue until you reach a 'another fork take the road that leads to the tip of the' bird. To there and also need a small piece of iron is not higher than three meters and remarkably simple. The trail continues
to the tip of the bird 'and continues along a ridge. The road will decline slightly to turn around a mountain and then rise sharply to reach another crossroads. At the fork, choose the path that leads down to that 'will start a stroke with a cable due to the steep and narrow path (not recommended for those afraid of heights). After the cable run is continued for about an hour in continuous descent to the gravel casera tintin where there will be a source of water.
Total time: 5:00 average training hours; 6:00 to poor training
And who is not enough: Before going down to 'last junction it is possible to climb the mountain Tinisa: Instead of going
follow the indications leading CAI Mount Tinisa. After a very short stroll to the first real point of railway, being careful that no one is going down and we make sure the cables go up this wall that is all 'about a second degree (difficulty in climbing). After these, about fifty feet of ascent to reach another section of the walk that presents some difficulties and lead to the second and final climbing a bit longer than the first climb. At the end of this iron is reach the peak that is very scenic and beautiful. The descent is not difficult, you can travel all the railways back without the help of cable, but if you do not s
and feels and legitimate use.
picture Harimau
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