Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Mimosa pineapple cake (and a kiss in advance to all women) in

zioda take a 'chance, who lives with (sob!!) Three women .....

well ..... in his house when we celebrate International Women's Day (although for reasons of time in advance ).... as miiiiinimo prepare for its beautiful girls beautiful mimosa cake .... I would say is a must!! right??

this year I have "thrown" in the preparation of the classic "pineapple" (which by the way I never did).

there are those who decorate the surface with the pds diced, but honestly I like this version more, all "crumble "!!!! but sa.... de gustibus......

per quanto riguarda il pds, visto che la torta è già molto calorica di suo, ho preferito utilizzare questo, che continene solo 4 uova (ovviamente, per avere un effetto più "giallo" potete sempre aggiungere durante la sua preparazione, qualche goccia di colorante nell'impasto... io ne ho messe 3-4).

Colgo inoltre l'occasione per fare a tutte le donne tantissimi auguri con un bacio incorporato (purtroppo in settimana dovrò assentarmi....e ve li posso fare solo oggi).


for the PDS:
4 eggs,
2 tablespoons pineapple juice (the box),
gr. 150 sugar gr
. 100 flour,
gr. 100 starch
1 packet of yeast,
2 tablespoons Grand Marnier;
for the filling:
nr. 3-4 slices of pineapple cut into small pieces,
3 egg yolks, 3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon cornstarch
450 ml. milk;
200 ml. whipped cream sweetened with a couple of teaspoons of powdered zuccìhero

also: pineapple to decorate, 300 ml of fresh cream (more icing sugar to sweeten) and bathroom consists of: Grand Marnier syrup and juice of Anansi

PDS: whisk the eggs with the juice of Anansi syrup for a few seconds then add the sugar and whip until mixture is puffy and fluffy, then add the sifted flour and baking powder. Put the dough into the pan with a diameter of 26 cm and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (do the toothpick test).

Prepare pastry cream: Heat the milk in a saucepan. Meanwhile mix the egg yolks with sugar, add meal and once well mixed, aggiundere hot milk a bit 'at a time. Then put on the fire (sweet) and stir until the cream thickens. Put the cream to cool. Once cool, add the pineapple chunks and (gently) the whipped cream.

When everything is cold, cut the cap to the PDS, digging the foundation with a spoon, leaving a border of about 1 cm (and set aside the crumbs). Moisten with the syrup and fill with pineapple cream, replace the cap and then cover the whole cake, first with the whipped cream (sweetened with a little 'sugar icing) and then with the crumbs of pds. Decorate as desired.

I recommend Tirlo out of the refrigerator only when you wish to serve as the filling, the heat tends to become very soft.

Needless to say how good it is ..... those unfamiliar with the mimosa cake??

.. we loved it .. I hope you like it too!

a hug and the next.


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