Today at school Damiano R. asked me to write a post so today I will speak on the magnetism of the magnetics.
As you all know magnets have the ability to attract iron, but iron it if you try to bring a magnet to an object of copper, aluminum, plastic or other materials you will notice that the calamity does not attract these objects. The power of each magnet is limited, but most can draw or move objects in iron but are separated by a barrier (not too big). We can therefore say that the magnet can attract only iron objects and its power is limited, but now we see the operation of the magnet: The space around the magnet and said magnetic field in the space of the magnetic field strength of the magnet acts according to certain guidelines or those magnetic lines of force. The magnets have opposing forces in fact if you try to approach the north magnetic pole of the magnet with the magnetic north pole of another magnet will see that repel each other. The magnetic poles are not separable.
There is a magnet neturale called magnetite
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