... Today is Friday 17 (Tièèèèèèèèèèèèè) ^___^, a day that bear little superstitious. It is said that this is the most unfortunate day, where everything that should not happen, will happen. Besides the 2008 is a leap year and therefore the amount of bad luck could also increase. But fortunately I have not superstitious at all!
recipe always drawn from the blog of the legendary Sara Anna Moroni!
Snail Brioschi Anna Moroni
500 grams of farina00
25 g of yeast
250 ml of warm milk 3 egg yolks
spoon sugar (I used two)
60 g butter
a pinch of salt
For the filling:
250 ml milk 2 egg
40 grams of flour
80 grams of sugar
lemon flavoring
2 apples sliced
50 g sliced \u200b\u200balmonds (optional)
prepare the cream:
Heat the milk. Beat separately the yolks with the sugar, combine the flour, sugar el 'aroma (or zest) Then add the warm milk and put on the fire until it becomes thick
apples and almonds
I cut the apples into slices and put in water with lemon (so you do not turn black)
prepare the snail:
Mix flour, warm milk, crumbled yeast, egg yolks, sugar and salt to last
Add the softened butter
Let rise for 45 minutes and then resume and spread to form a rectangle, fill with cold cream, the apple slices and sliced \u200b\u200balmonds (optional)
roll and form the spiral
With a knife cut the nut, forming cuts and let rise for 30-40 minutes
is after the second rising!
Now to bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes!And here's the Chiocciolona Anna Moroni ... even in this time of Morettina ^___^
What do you say I bring a piece to Mr. Big??
And with this recipe for the collection proposed by vanilla essence !!!!!

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