Incense have now become part of Western culture, are found in almost all homes and are used for many purposes, from simple fragrance for the purification and true own home.
are basic elements of many Eastern religions, and are extensively used in natural therapies, massage, treatments, and in the new age in general.
They are marketing a huge variety of incense, of all types and prices.
The widespread that they are having in homes has led the market a proporre ovunque incensi, magari a bassissimo costo e di pessima qualità.
Normalmente gli incensi che compriamo sono quelli da bancarella o da negozietto etnico e hanno mille profumi ed etichette coloratissime con le foto dell'essenza che profuma il prodotto ed altre informazioni.
La maggiorparte di essi, se non con diversa indicazione e certificati, sono pericolosi per la salute di chi li usa.
I comuni incensi a basso prezzo vengono fabbricati in India in grandi stabilimenti che usano una svariata quantità di sostanze chimiche per dare profumo e colore al prodotto.
Possiamo trovare quindi: Essenze sintetiche di laboratorio per profumare l'incenso, coloranti sintetici per colorare , colle varie per formare il prodotto fuels and raw materials of dubious quality and origin.
Incense most commonly in the form of a cone and stick is lit and left burning from one end to create the smoke that characterizes the product.
During the combustion of substances are made of common incense are burned and released into the air through the smoke, also releasing new substance formed by combustion such as formaldehyde. In combustion of these substances, even full of allergens and toxic materials, change shape and change in denatured substances even more hazardous to health and which are in contact with us through the air.
also contain residues of heavy metals that are released into the environment durante l'uso e rilasciano polveri sottilissime inalate e dannose.
I fumi che vengono prodotti da questi incensi( in questo caso di pessima qualità) , sono facilmente inalabili , scendono fin nei polmoni, possono danneggiare il cuore, i polmoni, le arterie, causare problemi respiratori e scatenare allergie di varia entità.
Se non troviamo certificati nelle etichette, non siamo sicuri del prodotto ed il negoziante non sà dare informazioni adeguate, non compriamolo .
La stessa sorte degli incensi la subiscono anche le candele profumate, troppo spesso piene di sostanze tossiche rilasciate nell'aria.
Allora come scegliere un incenso sicuro e non rischiare con la propria salute incappando in prodotti scarsi e tossici ?
Troviamo in commercio circa 4 categorie di incensi diversi.
- Incensi comuni:
Si trovano nelle bancarelle, dai venditori ambulanti e nei negozi normali. Hanno confezioni colorate con foto del prodotto e della fragranza usata per profumarlo.
Sono facilmente riconoscibili per via del loro basso prezzo e perchè non hanno nessuna garanzia in etichetta. Hanno mille profumi sintetici e non è difficile riconoscere i profumi naturali con i profumi inventati( tipo profumo di cioccolato, di zucchero, di miele, di mela verde ecc).
Hanno confezioni generalmente di carta esagonali o Clear plastic soft.
can also be found in magazines and gift that came with the burning of incense shop.
Through investigation it turns out that facts are mostly underpaid and exploited children for hours by the companies to work for a miseria.Costretti from a myriad of hazards and toxic materials.
be avoided.
- Incense Incense
but sober.
incenses are made with natural ingredients, no dyes, perfumes and synthetic materials dangerous.
are mainly composed of resins, flowers, bark and natural materials for combustion and partly to the notes of the scent.
The scent itself, however, is given by the essential oils of plants which give the main fragrance.
are wrapped in a bamboo stick true to the tradition of India.
not contain heavy metals and are certified on the absence of child labor and the work of adults.
have a generally higher price of incense common, but only slightly.
Good quality and safety.
- Incense natural ancient method
I am totally free of chemicals and are definitely the highest quality incense on the market.
are handmade from Indian experts in the manufacture of traditional incense.
are the true incense made with ancient methods of tradition.
resins are produced for the trees remove parasites, bacteria and mold, in case of injury of the plant and to restore the cut and then the cortex.
They have the classic form of natural resin, such as the one we see easily in the pines.
I am totally non-toxic and are completely and entirely produced by plants and not by artificial works.
This ensures the absolute purity of the product. There are various perfumes
data from a variety of different plants.
Their peculiarity is that they need to be burned on charcoal as a basis.
These here are the incense that we find on the market.
After we have the characteristics of the various products we spend some tips the use of incense in the house: * First
never leave the incense unattended.
* never leave them near flammable materials.
* Do not put the incense on surfaces sensitive to heat.
* Keep the windows open and ventilation during use.
* The smoke of incense scrub the wall and tinged with yellow, always ventilate.
* Although the incense are non-toxic, natural resins or only during the combustion always produces smoke, avoid direct inhalation, it is definitely not suitable for the smoke to be inhaled and which substances are not always appropriate to the body.
here I close the article with this tutorial on incense and their characteristics. We always
to learn about everything that comes in contact with us and that we use without knowing the characteristics, problems and uses.
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