Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sample Letters On Confirming Guest Wedding

Cake Grandma's Chocolate pear tart almond

I'm back!!
that period .... a bit 'for work (I was absent) and a little' because of "ailments of the season" ... I was forced to abandon the blog for a while ...
.... and I still waiting for a terrible week ..... dept. ...... I wonder if tempo per preparare qualcosa nei prossimi giorni.... sperem....
il dolce di oggi mi riporta ad una bellissima estate passata in Sicilia dove, tra le innumerevoli prelibatezze che quella bellissima terra offriva, avevo trovato dei panetti di "pasta di mandorle" (formati da zucchero e farina di mandole) che mi venivano consigliati per realizzare una bevanda (bastava solo sciogliere un po' di panetto nell'acqua).
Io, dopo aver sentito quell fantastico aroma "madorloso" che emanava il panetto, mi ero chiesto se poteva esserci un modo migliore (e soprattutto più goloso) per utilizzarlo.....e così successivamente l'ho utilizzato per realizzare questa excellent pie.
.... then ... a few days ago, during a visit to 'Artigiano in Fiera (Rho-Pero) between the stands devoted to Sicily .... I saw the almond paste cakes !!!!! ... were there on display that I called in a loud voice (loudly beh. .. just ... no ..... but I swear to fuck ...... !!!!!) I could not buy at least one??
If you want to see all the different steps for the preparation of this cake, you can look here when I realized for the first time.
will carry the doses and the original procedure (And I have also used this time)
for the pastry: 300 gr
. flour, 120 gr. sugar, 150 gr. butter, 1 egg + 1 egg yolk, a few drops of bitter almond aroma;
for cream :
600 ml. of milk, 4 egg yolks, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 150 gr. almond paste
also: sliced \u200b\u200balmonds and powdered sugar
Prepare the pastry (in the usual way) and put it to rest in the refrigerator.
Cream: Place the warm milk in a saucepan and add the almond paste, broken up, and when the dough is completely melted pour it into the bowl where previously they have been beaten egg yolks with sugar and flour were added later ( usual method used to make pastry cream), mix well and put on the fire until it is addensa.Versare the cream in a container and let it cool.
Divide the pastry into two parts (one about double the other) and roll out the biggest part in a tart mold (diameter 26 cm.). Pour the cream and cover with another pastry spread. Decorate the top of the cake with almonds slices and brush with a little milk. Bake at 175 degrees for about 45 minutes. Once cold unmold and top with powdered sugar.
is very good !!!!!!!!!!!!
if you have the opportunity to buy cakes made of almond paste, I recommend you try it!

we liked a lot .... I hope you like it too!

a hug and the next!


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