Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good Sunday to all!!

actually this cake I had planned for next Sunday ... mattima but yesterday I saw a grape black / red beautiful (especially with a great price .... at least for these parts, sigh !!)... eee ...... you know how ..... you quickly change their mind !!!!!!!

the recipe I picked up "Italian food", just read I loved it and therefore I put on the list of cakes to try (do not tell you how long is the list .... especially since the tour of the blog!)


for the filling:
- kg. A black grape / red
- gr. 300 apple (already cleaned)
- gr. 100
sugar - zest of half an orange (I put the orange part only)

for the cake:
- gr. Butter
150 - gr. 200
sugar - 2 eggs
- gr. 400
flour - 1 tablespoon baking
- gr. 200 milk
grated orange zest - 1 pinch of salt


prepare the filling: Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds (a little 'Pallos ... but you have to do it) , then put them in a pan with the apples cut into cubes, add the orange rind and sugar. Cook over medium heat for about 35-40 minutes. Once cold, put everything with a blender and set aside.

prepare the cake batter : whip with a whisk the sugar with the butter until creamy swells, add (always beating) the 2 egg yolks, flour and baking powder alternately with milk and grated zest of the orange. (If you see the dough too hard you can add a tablespoon of milk). Finally, incorporate the egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Grease a baking dish with a diameter of 27/28 cm and sprinkle the edges with flour mixed with brown sugar (I put on the bottom always baking paper). Fill with half the dough and distribute, sull'impasto, the fruit filling (leaving about half a centimeter of space on the edges) then add the remaining dough (I suggest you use a spoon to avoid mixing with the stuffing) to level and bake at 170 degrees for about 55/60 minutes. Once cool decorate with grapes or sugar in the past, like me, simply have to covered with powdered sugar.
note: do not worry if you have difficulty covering the filling with the second half of the dough: Should be "holes" during the cooking system altogether) :-))

to we liked much, I hope you like it too!!
a hug and the next.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ttc 1 Week Before Due Period!

Creamy yogurt pear with chocolate sauce

arghhhh! We are in an emergency!!
yesterday a short circuit blew up half the house .. ... The series: no electricity for several hours ... and on his return the discovery of the damage: board of boiler "kaput" and now, for at least 3-4 days, no hot water ... (And cold showers ... !!!!! brrrrrr between the day before yesterday there was a continuous downpour with a clear drop in temperatures that has fatto penare ancora di più)
certo che.... i guasti succedono SEMPRE nei giorni festivi o pre-festivi......


comunque, anche in emergenza non volevo esimermi dal preparare un dolcetto per il contest " Yogurt ti amo " della mia nipotina virtuale Sara (a proposito..lo so che non c'è bisogno che ve lo dica, perchè Saretta è una ragazza mitica e quello che penso di lei l'ho a suo tempo scritto qui , ma ve lo dico lo stesso: partecipate tutti in massaaaaa!!!!)

the cake is a very simple .... and the combination of flavors is the banal "pear-chocolate ...... but I can assure you that served in this way, the papilla is assured success!

since we are on the subject, I wanted to tell you one thing I did not notice until yesterday: pear yogurt is really good: it is true ... it is not easy to find ... Yesterday I tasted for the first time and I really liked a lot!!

But back to today's sweet: orrendissime sorry the pictures ... but better than that today I could not do (sorry ).... Sara possible that the short circuit has also involved my digital ????? eheheh!!

For the chocolate sauce, I made up the recipe by Angelo Principe (with my pochisssime variants) is excellent, I recommend it. I take pictures to use as soon as I removed from the refrigerator so that it more dense and therefore have more time for photos and dripped from the edges of the cake ... but for the other portions have warmed in the microwave a few seconds: it is smoother and it is fantastic!!
doses for 4 / 5 pcs. (Silicone molds)
- no. 6 conf. 125-pear yoghurt
- no. 7 sheets of gr. 2 of gelatin
- nr. 1 cucchiaio di maraschino

per la salsa alla crema:

- gr. 125 di acqua
- gr. 125 di latte intero
- gr. 150 di zucchero
- gr. 35 di cacao amaro
- gr. 100 di cioccolato fondente (previsti 75 gr.)
- nr. 2 cucchiaini di maizena (previsti 5 gr.)

Procedimento :

salsa al cioccolato : mettere in un pentolino l'acqua, il latte, lo zucchero ed il cacao. Portare ad ebollizione e aggiungere la maizena. Cuocere circa un minuto, togliere dal fuoco e aggiungere il cioccolato spezzettato. Mescolare bene fino al completo sciglimento del cioccolato. Mettere in un barattolo di vetro (dovrebbe resistere nel frigorifero almeno 15 days.).

yogurt cakes: Put the sheets of gelatine to soak in cold water. Heat the yogurt (in a bowl) in the microwave for about a minute. Dissolve the gelatin with a tablespoon of maraschino, and then pour it on yogurt. Stir well to mix everything, then fill the molds of silicone. Chill for several hours (I've left them all night).
To turn them I went through a boxcutter on the edges to loosen and then I turned them on a plate.
serve with chocolate sauce heated in the microwave (or in a pot)
my daughter, always on a diet, has preferito gustarseli così (semplicissimi ma sempre buoni ..... e..... con pochissime calorie!!!!):

le nostre porzioni invece erano così:

a noi, anche semplici, sono piaciuti moltissimo...spero piacciano anche a voi

un abbraccio e alla prossima.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lab 6 Molecular Biologyanswers

boiled eggs ... o. ......????

Buona domenica a tutti!!!

che ne dite di un buon uovo alla coque? eheheheh!!!!

eccovi un'idea simpatica per servire un dolcetto alla fine di una cena, magari passata tra amici :)

certo, non è proprio originale come idea (diciamo pure "banale") ma a me è piaciuta... soprattutto osservare i volti sorpresi dei miei ospiti, vedere davanti a loro dopo aver consumato il pasto ... un uovo alla posto del dessert!!!! Inutile dire poi le risate che sono scaturite, dopo avergli svelato il dolcissimo arcano

semplicissimo anche il "ripieno" che ho utilizzato per la farcitura: crema pasticcera e marmellata di amarene al centro per "ricordare" il tuorlo". Ovviamente si posso farcire come più piace: (creme e panne varie)..a voi la scelta!!


- 6 large eggs
- custard cream (I have prepared, using 500 ml of milk and I do not is very advanced)
- black cherry jam
- white chocolate (about 20 oz.)
Drain the eggs using a needle: the top of the egg to make a small hole (almost invisible), but the bottom make a hole about 1 / 2 cm in diameter (see photo below) where you will exit the content. Place the shells in water and boil for about 5 minutes (to sterilize). Drain and dry them well. With a syringe with long spout, half-fill the eggs with the cream, then - always with a syringe - in the center put about 1 / 2 table spoon of jam and finish filling the eggs, always with the custard. Seal the egg with a drop of melted white chocolate in microwave or double boiler. Store eggs in the refrigerator until ready to eat them.

uh ...... I must say as a wolf?? eheheheh!

Seriously .... beyond the surprise ... they are also good !!!!!!

looks like an egg, you say?

ciaooooo e alla prossima!!!!! buona domenica e buona settimana!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Does An Early Miscarriage Feel Like

plum tart (and blog candy Imma)

chi mi conosce sa che ho un debole particolare per le torte alla frutta e quando ho la possibità di avere dell'ottima frutta fresca (magari appena raccolta dall'albero....) preparare una bella torta è d'obbligo!!!!!!
....e dal momento che ieri una "gentile" vicina mi ha fatto dono di un bellissimo cesto di prugne appena raccolte (avete presente quel tipo scuro....allungato... il cui nocciolo viene via facilmente.... che si raccolgono a settembre?) ..... secondo voi.....potevo fare a meno di "spararmi" una delizia come questa cake ????? course not!
the recipe I got it at the time by Wired New York Forum, namely HERE and I must say that I liked so much that every year at this time I prepare it at least .... slurp!
is easy realization (or rather "facilerrima" I would say ..... eheheh!) And by the way is only a dirty bowl (as well as the whisk whips ).... So good for people like me in that time has its own little time to spend in the kitchen!!

Ingredients: plum
800/900 g (weighed with stones)
200 g flour 00
200 g sugar 50 g butter 2 eggs
1 bag of vanilla 2 teaspoons baking
1 tablespoon of liqueur to taste

Method: Wash the plums
, cut them in half and remove the stones. In a bowl beat "a foam" egg and sugar, then add the vanilla, melted butter, liquor, flour sifted with baking powder and then mix well (do not be alarmed if the dough is a bit 'duretta is ... as it should be). Combine the plum mixture. Pour into a pan of 24 cm, after having greased and floured (if possible to on the bottom of the wax paper). Bake at 160 ° for about an hour (I took only a little over 50 minutes).
is good to be so, or with a dusting of icing sugar!

what to say .... we loved it .. I hope you like it too!

and now for the giveaway Imma (Desserts Gogo)

above I put the link of his initiative and below the banner (sorry I can not .... but Imma to put the banner with links embedded ... sigh sigh !!!!!!)

for two reasons:
The first is that "Imma Magic" has a wonderful blog (ok, you already know this) and his desserts are superlative !!!!!!! (Oh well, you already know this too ...)
the second is that ..... I promise a nice slice of cake to those who participate (and then will go to see .... unless someone finds a way to deliver them to you via mail .... eheheh!
Seriously .. .. is a good initiative and deserves the participation nosta !!!!!
a hug to all and the next!