A cloud of chantilly
uffffff !!!!!!!! how come the weekend arrives and you put "always" raining??
... oh well. will mean that I will relax this afternoon, the warmth, with a good book .... for snack ... a slice of cake!! .... the course of today: ppp
for this Sunday I wanted to please la figlia “number two” che adora questi tipi di torte, tutte morbidose, cremose e pannose ….. (ovviamente manco io le disdegno...anzi diciamo che mi piacciono proprio...) e così mi son detto: """okkeiiiii, facciamo felice la piccola!!!!"""" (mmm…. solo lei? eheheh)
e il nome “ nuvola” di chantilly" ? l'ho chiamata così perché ho utilizzato una sorta di pan di spagna leggerissimo, a base di fecola di patate.
Vi assicuro che viene così soffice, ma così soffice, ma così soffice che ….. dovete provarlo!!!!
e tra l’altro (non poca cosa) è veramente facilissimo da fare: all robots in the kitchen ... and then directly into the pan! (-__^)
LAST TIME UPDATE: sorry, I realized it did not specify the yeast in the recipe, I have now done so.
and here's the recipe: Ingredients
- gr. Starch
250 - gr. Sugar
240 - gr. 100
vegetable oil - 3 eggs (large)
a pinch of salt - lemon flavoring (or rind. 1 lemon)
- 1 tablespoon baking
- 4 egg yolks
- 4
tablespoons sugar - 2 tablespoons cornstarch (cornflour)
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- ml. 600 milk - lemon flavoring
- ml. 500
sweetened whipped cream - bath pleasure (optional)
prepare the custard in the usual way. Put the eggs in the robot with sugar to give a quick "turn" and then add all other ingredients and mix well. The dough will seem a bit 'liquidino .. but that's okay. Put the dough in a pan with a diameter of cm. 24 and bake at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes (that is always the toothpick test). Mount the whipped cream and mix with about half of approximately ¾ of custard (do not mix gently to remove the cream, but I tell Affair ': you know better than me). Once cool cut into three (high is good) and then fill with whipped cream (technically would not be just "the" cream .. but now almost everyone is named).
Decorate the cake as you like with the remaining cream and cream.
Forgive my horrors decorative, but when I decorated it was late (do not say the night but almost) and I lacked patience: (
photos are worth today, but ... the sky is literally black !!!!! cmq
beyond the picture quality, very much liked the cake (with neighbors who thanked eheh!)
hope you like it too
Good Sunday and a hug!