Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kates Playground Accounts

(a cuddle in the snow)

hear .. hear! no rain today!!
or strange?? ...... obvious ... .... It's snowing !!!!!!!
dept.! but you have to do to have a Sunday with a little bit of sun? But who should I kill? (Of course with death ... a slow MOOLTO pastries! Eheh!)
oh well ... even though it says "" Who lives hoping .... etc.. etc. "." "I do not despair ... sooner or later .... (I hope before, then ...)
and so, just to cuddle a little before this weather, I made this cake as if made to get us a bit 'on (mmm. ... honestly there are at least a thousand cupcakes suitable for this purpose ... slurp!)
e. .. not to send us anything .... I covered with whipped cream and some tartufini ricotta / cocoa.
is not a light sweet ..... but with the cold that makes today ..... We want to own!
- gr. 200 flour
- gr. 120
sugar -4 eggs
- 2 teaspoons baking
- gr. 200 dark chocolate
- gr. 180 butter
- gr. 80
of chocolate chip cookies - 2 cartons of pears in syrup (8 half pears)
- 3 tablespoons of rum
also (optional)
- ml. 400 whipped cream (sweetened with sugar)
- tartufini facts (doses to the eye)
with ricotta, sugar, cocoa, cookies with chocolate crumbs and liqueur to taste)

tartufini : working ricotta, sugar and cocoa. Add the crushed biscuits and liqueur (I'm going for the doses to the eye: the sugar and liqueur in accordance with your taste, take the cocoa until the desired color and cookies just enough to give the consistency. Do the rest 'dough in the refrigerator a couple of hours, then make small balls and roll in cocoa. (keep refrigerated).
cake: Place the pears in a bowl and sprinkle with a tablespoon of rum. Water bath melt the chocolate into small pieces with 100 gr. of butter. Beat with whisk 4 egg yolks with sugar and 70 gr. of butter. When you get a frothy add the melted chocolate and continue stirring and cookies, 2 tablespoons of rum and then the flour sifted with baking powder. Whisk the egg whites and gently add to the compound (the usual way: mixing from top to bottom so as not remove the egg white). Butter a baking dish and infarinale diameter of 24 cm and put half. Then put the mixture over the pears, drained and cut into wedges, with the concave side up. Finish with the other half of compound, even with a spoon and bake in preheated oven at 175 degrees for about 40 minutes. Turn out cold.

is already so good, maybe with a sprinkling of powdered sugar

but .. you want to put serve covered with whipped cream and a lot of (cracks greed) with many good tartufini??

we really liked ... I hope you like it too!!

a hug the next.

good Sunday

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funny Things To Put In A Christmas Card

cake bread Vicenza, also known as ....

...." the Putana.

today I have given to recycling, I had to get rid of stale bread that parked too long in the pantry, and so before it got white hair .... I took the opportunity to try this recipe that I addocchiato long time ago and it looked so good but so good ....... slurp !!!!!
the original recipe is katia_spina (cookaforum) and can be found here . I just added gr. 100 dark chocolate chopped (I had to "get rid of that too ).... but I think we can add a bit 'of everything that you like (such as fresh fruit pieces, candies, etc.. ecc.).
Io ho utilizzato una teglia quadrata con lato di cm. 23 e con il composto avanzato ho riempito 4 stampini da muffin: cotti per 45 minuti (inutile chiedervi il perchè della mancanza delle relative foto: questi dolcetti hanno la "strana" tendenza a sparire prima ancora di diventare freddi...... io ovviamente non ne so nulla....... cmq ...ehm..... vi assicuro che sono buoni anche caldi........)
Ps: il tempo di oggi? cliccate qui !!!!!!!!!!!!!

vi riporto le indicazioni della ricetta "originale di Katia"
o 300 gr di pane
o 300 gr. di zucchero
o 1 litro di latte
o gr.100 circa di uva passa
o 1 bustina di lievito
o 1 bustina di vanillina
o 1 cucchiaio di grappa
o 5 cucchiai di farina
o 2 uova
o gr. 100 circa di cioccolato spezzettato (mia aggiunta)
o zucchero a velo q.b.


Mettere a bagno l'uvetta con acqua tiepida (deve ammorbidire); far bollire il latte e versarlo sul pane. Lasciare ammorbidire e raffreddare quindi schiacciarlo con le mani (io ho frullato con il minipimer). Aggiungere le uova, l'uvetta (ben strizzata), lo zucchero, la vanillina. Amalgamare con un cucchiaio di legno and add the yeast and grappa-mix again and add 5 tablespoons of flour and the chocolate into small pieces. Place in a baking pan in a preheated oven at 160 ° C x 2 hours (I was enough for 1 ½ hours).
Once cool, if you like, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
try it because it's very good !!!!!!
we really liked, I hope you like it too.
a hug and the next

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Melatonin And Alazopram

millefeuille Annurca chips and cream golden delicious chocolate flavored with cinnamon

domenicaaaa good!! ... Well ....
....... guess what 'time here today?
well then you are ..... rain !!!!!! .. But how did you guess?
ufff .... that beard! Sunday now dark, cold and wet has become the rule .... I really think this afternoon I'll continue reading the book started last Sunday

the cupcake I realized today to participate in the contest Stefania :"""" Invent ... apple "" "

is nothing that .... just an "exercise" to do a little something different for the contest (among other things when you're laggards ... you realize that by now have already posted so many good recipes. that it is difficult to find new recipes).

..... on the other hand ... what a lovely name but I put the recipe ... eheheh!!

for apple chips:
- 4 apples annurche
- gr. Sugar
150 - gr. 200
water - juice of 1 small lemon

for cream:
- 4 golden apples
- gr. 50
butter - 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 4 tablespoons di zucchero
- 2 cucchiai di liquore a piacere (io ho usato grappa alle pere)
- circa gr. 50 di cioccolato fondente

inoltre: mandorle a lamelle tostate.


Chips di mela (da fare il giorno prima): In un tegame sciogliere a fuoco basso lo zucchero con l’acqua; quindi aggiungere il succo di limone e lasciare raffreddare. Tagliare le mele con una mandolina (spessore circa 2-3 mm.) , immergere le fette nello sciroppo alcuni secondi, scolarle e metterle sulla teglia del forno ricoperta con carta forno. Informare a circa 80/90° per circa 5/6 ore girandole alcune volte per farle asciugare bene. Togliere dal forno e mettere la teglia in luogo areato per alcune hours.
Cream: Peel apples and cut into small wedges. Cook the apples in a saucepan with the butter slowly until they are tender (about ½ hour), half-cooked add the cinnamon and liqueur. When the apples are tender and whisk well with a blender while still warm and add the chocolate (previously cut into small pieces). Stir to mix well.
Assembly: Stack the slices of chips alternating with the cream. Serve decorated with toasted sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.

to be an experiment, I must admit that as a combination of flavors has succeeded quite well!

we liked (especially daughters), I hope you like it too!
the next ..... and a hug !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Master Combination Lock Lost Combination

Put a dinner-fennel tart with fennel, pecorino cheese and brie

wants to be a post against intolerance in all its forms.

alll'iniziativa and participate in "the gay celiac and Madama bavareisa ,

.... I prepared some thoughts, to express my thoughts about it, but I finally found a long papyrus, too long, which still not fully expressed by the concepts set me .... and I do not intend any annnoiare readers.

So I will simply express my total disagreement with a joke (because I hope that it should just be a joke) already in itself a bad taste, said in a media context, and especially by those who are a ' whole nation, can cause consequences certainly worse than hoped for (as we have laughed - and not just for the joke - even in third world countries?? with all due respect to these countries ...) and besides

.. ... I wanted so much, at least, to apologize to gays and all those people who are considered offenses?

if want to be considered a civilized country to behave in a civilized manner, starting from the First Citizen, until the last.

and then for dinner tonight ... Fennel !!!!!!

the recipe is from Anna Moroni .... with some modifications to the undersigned (in parentheses).

Ingredients For the pastry crust:

- 400 gr of white flour - 200 g butter - salt (for reasons of time I've used one already ready)

For the filling: 1 kg of fennel

- 120 g-100 g of fresh pecorino cheese asiago (I used Brie) - 1 egg-1 Shallot-Fennel seeds (I have not used) Oil-Sale - flour and butter in the pastry and the mold.


Make crust by mixing the dough ingredients together quickly set with 100 grams of cold water. Put the dough in a cool place to rest for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the fennel into quarters and sauté over high heat in 2 tablespoons of olive oil along with a minced shallot and a pinch of salt. On floured surface roll out the dough to 4mm thick and with about two-thirds of it, coated with a mold of 24 cm in diameter, greased and floured. Fill it with cheese and diced fennel. Close with remaining pastry, sealing edges with a cord. Brush the pie with beaten egg, sprinkle with a pinch of fennel seeds (not me I did) and bake at 200 degrees for 50 minutes.

and enjoy your meal !!!!!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dye My Hair Simulator

A cloud of chantilly

uffffff !!!!!!!! how come the weekend arrives and you put "always" raining??

... oh well. will mean that I will relax this afternoon, the warmth, with a good book .... for snack ... a slice of cake!! .... the course of today: ppp

for this Sunday I wanted to please la figlia “number two” che adora questi tipi di torte, tutte morbidose, cremose e pannose ….. (ovviamente manco io le disdegno...anzi diciamo che mi piacciono proprio...) e così mi son detto: """okkeiiiii, facciamo felice la piccola!!!!"""" (mmm…. solo lei? eheheh)

e il nome “ nuvola” di chantilly" ? l'ho chiamata così perché ho utilizzato una sorta di pan di spagna leggerissimo, a base di fecola di patate.

Vi assicuro che viene così soffice, ma così soffice, ma così soffice che ….. dovete provarlo!!!!

e tra l’altro (non poca cosa) è veramente facilissimo da fare: all robots in the kitchen ... and then directly into the pan! (-__^)

LAST TIME UPDATE: sorry, I realized it did not specify the yeast in the recipe, I have now done so.

and here's the recipe: Ingredients


- gr. Starch
250 - gr. Sugar
240 - gr. 100
vegetable oil - 3 eggs (large)
a pinch of salt - lemon flavoring (or rind. 1 lemon)
- 1 tablespoon baking


- 4 egg yolks
- 4
tablespoons sugar - 2 tablespoons cornstarch (cornflour)
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- ml. 600 milk - lemon flavoring

- ml. 500
sweetened whipped cream - bath pleasure (optional)


prepare the custard in the usual way. Put the eggs in the robot with sugar to give a quick "turn" and then add all other ingredients and mix well. The dough will seem a bit 'liquidino .. but that's okay. Put the dough in a pan with a diameter of cm. 24 and bake at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes (that is always the toothpick test). Mount the whipped cream and mix with about half of approximately ¾ of custard (do not mix gently to remove the cream, but I tell Affair ': you know better than me). Once cool cut into three (high is good) and then fill with whipped cream (technically would not be just "the" cream .. but now almost everyone is named).

Decorate the cake as you like with the remaining cream and cream.

Forgive my horrors decorative, but when I decorated it was late (do not say the night but almost) and I lacked patience: (

photos are worth today, but ... the sky is literally black !!!!! cmq

beyond the picture quality, very much liked the cake (with neighbors who thanked eheh!)
hope you like it too

Good Sunday and a hug!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Does It Burn To Pee When I Get My Period

Cheese cake with sour cream and almond frangipane tart

'm back!!

much I missed not being able to go to see the wonderful creations of your beautiful blog ... who knows what delights I missed .... Give me 'time and will come to see you all! (^__-)
effects in this cake I had already made some 'time ago ... ( here) but because I really want to try it again, I took advantage of an evening that I had guests for dinner to propose it again (of course I have "tried" to do some decoration to embellish it and make it a bit 'more presentable as last time)

and this is what I came out ....

for cheese:
- icing sugar 320 g eggs
-5 - almond flour 200 g
-2 teaspoons almond flavoring
butter 320 gr - 450 gr ricotta
- 450 gr mascarpone frosting

to mirror :
- gr. 50 fresh cream
- gr. 50 water
- gr. 80th sugar
- gr. 35 cocoa
- isinglass: 1 sheet gr. 2
decorations (optional):
- gr. 100 white chocolate
- candied cherries


put in a bowl the ricotta, sugar and aroma of almonds and mix well, add the softened butter (removed from the refrigerator at least half an hour before) mix. Then add the mascarpone and mix, add egg yolks (one at a time), add the ground almonds and finally the egg whites until stiff. Mix (without removing the dough: from top to bottom) fino ad avere un composto ben amalgamato e quindi, direttamente sul piatto da portata mettere l’impasto in un cerchio apribile foderato con carta forno (diametro del cerchio cm 24) e mettere nel frigorifero alcune ore (io tutta la notte). Quando è freddo preparare la glassa a specchio: amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti in un tegamino e portare a bollore mescolando spesso; dopodichè aggiungere la colla di pesce precedentemente ammollata in acua fredda. Mescolare fino a completo scioglimento e aspettare alcuni minuti per fare raffreddare un pochino. Prendere dal frigorifero il dolce (ancora nello stampo) e versare sopra, lentamente con un cucchiaio, la glassa al cacao. Rimettere nel frigorifero per farla rapprendere.
Decorazioni al cioccolato white on a sheet of parchment paper draw some triangles (or shapes as desired) and then turn the paper on a tray and follow the contour drawings with a cone filled with melted white chocolate. After the edges, form arabesques in the forms so that they are linked together and the edges. Place the tray in frigogrifero. Once cured, assemble: Remove the cake from the ring, place the candied cherries, and then put the cutting triangles of chocolate resting on cherries.

I have no photos of the slice with the guests at the table because I could not do it ... but I assure you that the cake is like a lot!!
I hope you like it too.
a hug and see you soon!!