Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Does It Burn To Pee When I Get My Period

Cheese cake with sour cream and almond frangipane tart

'm back!!

much I missed not being able to go to see the wonderful creations of your beautiful blog ... who knows what delights I missed .... Give me 'time and will come to see you all! (^__-)
effects in this cake I had already made some 'time ago ... ( here) but because I really want to try it again, I took advantage of an evening that I had guests for dinner to propose it again (of course I have "tried" to do some decoration to embellish it and make it a bit 'more presentable as last time)

and this is what I came out ....

for cheese:
- icing sugar 320 g eggs
-5 - almond flour 200 g
-2 teaspoons almond flavoring
butter 320 gr - 450 gr ricotta
- 450 gr mascarpone frosting

to mirror :
- gr. 50 fresh cream
- gr. 50 water
- gr. 80th sugar
- gr. 35 cocoa
- isinglass: 1 sheet gr. 2
decorations (optional):
- gr. 100 white chocolate
- candied cherries


put in a bowl the ricotta, sugar and aroma of almonds and mix well, add the softened butter (removed from the refrigerator at least half an hour before) mix. Then add the mascarpone and mix, add egg yolks (one at a time), add the ground almonds and finally the egg whites until stiff. Mix (without removing the dough: from top to bottom) fino ad avere un composto ben amalgamato e quindi, direttamente sul piatto da portata mettere l’impasto in un cerchio apribile foderato con carta forno (diametro del cerchio cm 24) e mettere nel frigorifero alcune ore (io tutta la notte). Quando è freddo preparare la glassa a specchio: amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti in un tegamino e portare a bollore mescolando spesso; dopodichè aggiungere la colla di pesce precedentemente ammollata in acua fredda. Mescolare fino a completo scioglimento e aspettare alcuni minuti per fare raffreddare un pochino. Prendere dal frigorifero il dolce (ancora nello stampo) e versare sopra, lentamente con un cucchiaio, la glassa al cacao. Rimettere nel frigorifero per farla rapprendere.
Decorazioni al cioccolato white on a sheet of parchment paper draw some triangles (or shapes as desired) and then turn the paper on a tray and follow the contour drawings with a cone filled with melted white chocolate. After the edges, form arabesques in the forms so that they are linked together and the edges. Place the tray in frigogrifero. Once cured, assemble: Remove the cake from the ring, place the candied cherries, and then put the cutting triangles of chocolate resting on cherries.

I have no photos of the slice with the guests at the table because I could not do it ... but I assure you that the cake is like a lot!!
I hope you like it too.
a hug and see you soon!!


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