there has ever been persuaded to have more time to do something ... and then suddenly you find yourself of time that you no longer??
here ..... that's what happened to me yesterday: I was just thinking of doing something for the contest Imma when, after arriving at the supermarket, I found myself immersed in all stands dedicated to St. Valentino: flowers, sweets, chocolates, food "dedicated", etc. .)!!!
..... booohh ... but this already a week before the party??
mannaggiaaaa!! is not in a week .... Monday is !!!!!!..... "This" Monday !!!!!!
arghhhh! and this triggered the panic I had not thought of anything .... and I had to do soon .... indeed think of something "soon ".... even think of something" subitissimo "!!!!!
and so I had to fall back ....... : I basically plagiarized my sweet, I had already prepared some years ago (at least for decoration).
With regard to the basic recipe I used the fabulous (and chocolate) "chocolate decadence" of Marble "(hello dear Anna, take this opportunity to send you a kiss).
is supercioccolatosa and (especially) calories ..... and a little 'sinful, dare I say, hehe!!

(doses are per cm dish. 24, I, for my heart-shaped pan, I used 5 eggs comparing the other ingredients accordingly):
for the cake:
370 g dark chocolate 70%
6 eggs 250 g butter 255 g sugar
155 ml water (a bit 'of yeast) for decoration
200 gr. white chocolate
red food coloring
also: Approximately 300 ml of whipped cream (I have very lightly colored with a little 'red dye (3-4 drops).
Cake: In a saucepan dissolve in 170 grams of sugar over low heat, just begins to boil, add the chocolate and butter over low heat and always melt, stirring gently until you have everything a smooth cream. Let cool slightly. Meanwhile, in Whip the eggs with the remaining 85 grams of sugar, until mixture is frothy and montatissimo which slowly add a wire and a little at a time, the mixture of chocolate, continuing to mount, pour mixture in a final cake pan lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes (I took only 40 minutes).
decorations: sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato e aggiungere il colorante rosso fino ad ottenere il colore voluto. Quindi stendere il cioccolato sciolto in una teglia (io ho usato quella del forno) mettendolo tra due fogli di carta forno e con un matterello tirarlo ad uno spessore di 2-3 mm. Mettere la teglia in freezer per un'oretta in modo tale da poter staccare facilmente la carta dal cioccolato, quindi aspettare che il cioccolato torni a "temperatura ambiente" e con le formine (quelle dei biscotti) preparare un po' di cuoricini, più uno grande da mettere nel centro del dolce).
Quando il dolce e freddo, sformare rivoltandolo sul piatto di portata (io l'ho rivoltato per avere un dolce più perfetto). Quindi mettere al centro big heart, cover with whipped cream and decorate with bows the hearts as you like.
The cake I made today for tomorrow, because unfortunately this week we never have time to do anything ... rifesteggeremo tomorrow anyway (obviously without eheh. .... ..... sweeter than today's more than enough !!!!!)
us (and especially Marisa) is loved it, I hope you like it too!
a hug and the next!
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