domenicaaaa good!!
the cake today ... the famous "rice cake Carrara "...... I take two birds with one stone!
fact, "primarily" I dedicate this delicacy to the One who made me understand: The dear Daniela, a friend of mine (as well as an excellent cook). -.... And I assure you that she is a friend with a capital "A"!! ... And if, as they say, friends, real ones, find themselves in need ...... She showed it to me ampiamete, helping me a lot in my bad time ..... selflessly ..... and no one asked him!! Dear Daniela, I love you and hug you tightly (and reminds me you have promised, I'll wait with Stephanie soon !!!).
and "secundis" with this sweet participate in the contest "All in cocotte" Imma of the miticissima Desserts Gogo (ehhhh , Imma dear ... of course I had to participate with a sweet, no?).

This is the version of Daniel, if you want to see her original recipe, with all steps, you can do HERE.
highly recommend you to try it because it deserves its own (and can not imagine how much)
(they are for a pan 30 cm in diameter: I had 4 and a casserole dish with aluminum 6 pcs)
- gr. 150
rice - 1 liter of milk (I used whole)
- 10 eggs
- gr. 350
sugar - 1 shot of sambuca
- grated rind of 1 lemon.
also: 2-3 tablespoons per zuocchero il caramello.
Far cuocere il riso al dente in acqua salata. Nel frattempo bollire il latte. Prendere una teglia diametro 30 e mettere un po di zucchero e caramellarlo al fuoco; mettere 10 uova in una terrina con 350gr di zucchero, frullarle (ma non troppo) quindi unire il latte bollito, un bicchierino piccolo di sambuca e una scorza di limone grattuggiato. Ungere di burro la teglia con lo zucchero caramellato, mettere sul fondo il riso al dente, unire con delicatezza il composto di uova e latte. infornare 180° per 50 minuti.
La mia unica variante, poichè non potevo mettere sul fuoco le cocotte (e la teglia di alluminio), ho fatto caramelize sugar in a separate pan.
good, good, good!! (Soon will post a version with chocolate, more and Daniela).
we really liked, I hope you like it too.
take this opportunity also to thank the small Giulia, for the sweet and pleasing thought of this award!
arrangements which puts it at a distance from everyone here!

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