avrei voluto pubblicare una ricetta migliore per “cucinare” il maiale, ma purtroppo anche se ho provato ad aspettare qualche giorno in più per vedere se riuscivo a trovare il tempo, mi sono dovuto arrendere ai miei impegni…… e così eccovi un piatto che ho preparato tempo fa, semplice e gustoso.
With this recipe Norma participate to "get rid of the pig."

This policy has nothing to do, but we have the usual, but "who" represent us in the world?
not want to be a moralist or false .. rod but I think there should be a limit to everything ... .. and reflections beyond any legal (for those are the competent bodies) I'm not shocked, but saddened by what I must see and endure as an Italian! Some ways
private "relax from everyday life (for me deplorable) should not be a prerogative of WHO there is: I absolutely do not recognize myself in that model of man and I do not want the world think that Italians are all like that!!
who defends him (and unfortunately, as I have noticed in recent days, there are many) says that private life is private "... ok, very true! But it is also true that these allegations, at best, be referred only to "ordinary" people, not for those who took public office. There are, in my opinion, even of the moral obligations towards those who we represent. With the oath (Article 93 of the Constitution) it is committed, inter alia, to take certain future conduct in the exclusive interest of the nation (unless the head of Government identifies "his person" in the nation, ".... pace of Louis XIV ... ..) Anyway ...
. as human wandering east ... .. ok ... ... you put your hands up .... we apologize ... .. and let
... ... .... and also, but also what a fine example of a model for our daughters, I, as a father, what am I to say to my girls? ... "" "But do you study? .... is gained and more to participate in certain "caste" party: If you do not mind ... in a couple of years you have arranged !"""""
mah !!!!!
- slices of pork loin
flour - a knob of butter
- some white grape berries (to taste) Procedure
Flour the slices of pork loin and brown in a skillet with butter. Then add the beans grapes cut in half (remove seeds) with a little 'of grape juice: Boil for several minutes (until the loin is cooked). Serve sprinkled with pepper and salt.
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