Wednesday, December 9, 2009

14 Weeks Pregnant And Rashes On Legs

La tartaruga

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Firewire To Usb Converter Radio Shack

Orso polare

The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a mammal of the family Ursidae. The distinguishing trait
white fur that being photographed with white ultra violet light appears black, this means that absorbs heat, living in cold regions like the North Pole and areas of the Arctic Ocean, the polar bear has developed a thermal insulation so effective as to be hardly perceived by infrared cameras.
The weight of this giant animal can be anything up to 800kg, its height reaches about three meters, the puppies at birth weigh from 600 to 700 g. Needing very
food as well as polar bears to hunt on land hunt in the sea due to their extraordinary ability to swimmers.
A technique of hunting bear 'to hunt seals, is to wait for prey, sighted under the ice near a crack, when it kills her to breathe.
polar bear when hunting on lands encounters prey such as eagles, owls, polar foxes, reindeer and lemmings.
While hunting ground instead finds seals, walruses small, whales ...
The bear and usually a solitary animal, only during periods of mating occurring in the spring is in small groups. To breed the bears have to fight because the females are few, the puppies are born between November January and take three years to become independent.

The research has been done with the sites and wikipedia
the fuck is taken from the site

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Denise Milani Rabbit Hat

La tartaruga verde

The green turtle ( Chelonia mydas) from the family of cheloniiadae, this amphibian can be distinguished from other sea turtles because of its carapace, which is the top shell with eight shields crustal, two plaques on the head and a hooked beak, although the length of his body can reach 150 cm. The animal feeds on seagrass.
The green turtle is a migratory animal, which moves in the group for 2000 km to find a habitat suitable for your lifestyle.
The male of this amphibian can be distinguished from the female to his tail more robust, its
nails longer.
The mating season is from July to March: The females lay eggs (about 100) from the shell and soft white beaches. Where after 50 days of incubation, the egg hatches.
But of all the eggs laid a few turtles are intended to survive.
This species lives in coastal and pelagic waters in the vicinity of coral reefs close to shore to lay their eggs on the beach.

information from wikipedia sites and from the site
The image is copied from the site

Why Is My Tongue White Not Thrush

WWF e Greenpeace

Lately I've been a little off (like an extinct volcano).
I must admit that my absence from the blog, also depended little desire.
But today I visited the site of the WWF and looking at the various proposed projects,
I remembered that I also have a site that I can help nature, and now I intend to resume full force
post with animals and on initiatives of organizations like WWF or Greenpeacee.
Have fun!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where Can I Watch P90x Online


Ta Dannnnnnnnnnnnn..... eccomi di nuovo all'opera!
Questa ricetta l'ho presa dal blog di Saretta :)))
Veramente facile da fare e sopratutto nè vale davvero la pena ;-)

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Girandola allo yougurt

500 gr di farina
150 gr di zucchero
2 vasetti di yogurt da 125 gr. ognuno
1 uovo
130 gr di burro
una bustina di lievito per dolci
se necessario: poco latte

farcitura a piacere:
Nutella, marmellata ,crema pasticcera ....

Mix all ingredients until it forms a ball (to be melted butter and warm) Let it stand for 10
minuti.Stenderla, forming a long strip about 35 x 50 cm. Spread the filling
choice (I lemon cream) and roll the longest part.
Then cut into slices and arrange in the pan, forming a circle
Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Remove from oven, cool and dust with powdered sugar.

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The internal soft soft .....

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A big kiss from your Morettina and soon with a new sweetness !!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Maxi Mounds Wallpaper


No sparitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ......
I had a busy summer and time to do very little sweet ^___^
Here in Sardinia resumed rain: (but good news is that I once again inspired to create new tasty treats and gorgeous!
So get ready because Morettina is returning to the attack: D
Now I do a ride for your blog and find inspiration for a new sweet ... because Saturday is also the birthday of the most important person in my life MAMMA MIA!

A big kiss from your solar still and sparkling Morettina!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Soul Eater Have A Nice Dream Lyrics


Hello everyone!
My blog will be constantly updated again in September!!
I wish you all a wonderful summer! A big kiss from your


Friday, June 19, 2009

Moncler Outlet Reviews

Litha, the feast of the Sun

Litha is the name of a pagan festival celebrating the summer solstice, June 21, when the peak of the sun that day gives the world, the longest day of the year.

During this holiday we go to worship the sun and its power, its rays that energize and strengthen all the forces of energy on the planet. The dolmen, tombs of the giants, the nodes of the earth, ancient standing stones of the ancient people give off a 'strong and beneficial energy.
During this time the plants have strong magical powers and balsamic and are excellent to be essere usate in incantesimi e fitoterapia.

Le piante in Litha svolgono un ruolo importante in quanto vengono raccolte per creare sacchettini e cuscini profumati da mettere vicino al cuscino per aiutare i sogni propiziatori e per profumare la stanza.
Le piante raccolte in questo periodo inoltre hanno forti capacità scaccia spirito, e vengono usate nei riti di purificazione del corpo e della casa.
La lavanda è tra le piante più usate in quanto profumatissima proprio in questo periodo, tutte le piante aromatiche in fiore possono essere bruciate come incensi naturali per liberare energia purificante da usare nei riti .
Andiamo quindi a raccogliere le piante da usare in questo periodo dell'anno per celebrare questa importante festa piena of energy the sun gives to the world every year ...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Qotes By Deborah Sampson


First of all thank you very much reporting Lady Cocca who pointed me to a site where there are many of my recipes Muffin with photos and text entirely copied! Copy and paste the Classic ........ This is the site 'm really speechless !!!!!!!!!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Bala Shark Has A Swollen Abdomen

tart lemon

First I apologize if I upgrade just recently, but Morettina Cuochina else !!!!!! This morning I woke up pretty perky and I decided to make a pie ... plus today because the weather is gray, and think a little bit yesterday .... I was MAREEEEEEEEEEEEEE but do you realize? By now the rain has taken possession of my land ... Soleeee where are you ????? Yesterday we have deluded ... Better to speak of the pie ...
This recipe is a legend .... ahahhaha, is very popular in the cooking forum I frequent often before, in fact, this tart is best known as TART BROXANI !!

soft lemon tart

For the filling: 1 egg

200g sugar 50g starch

1 / 2 liter of water
juice of 2 lemons
peel of 1 lemon
For the dough:
350g flour 150g sugar

2 eggs 1 cup oil
peel of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon baking

dish 26cm

Mix all the ingredients of the cream and cook in water bath until not thickened, then cool it.

Make the dough for the base which will be hard, but soft enough. Spread into the pan with the help of the parchment paper, pulling up the edges and leave some for the roof. Fill with the cooled cream and cover with strips made by adding a little flour to the dough put aside.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

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The base is very soft, so nothing to put shortbread in the refrigerator, when you use the strips cover a bit of flour so the dough does not stick to hands.

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The cream is bright ... what about the taste .... FANTASTIC !!!!!!

A kiss and see you soon !!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Biggest Sharks Species Name

Soft Cake with Lemon and 1 YEAR BLOG

Today is a very special day .... my blog turns 1 year !!!!!! I'm delighted and I hope many more will follow ...
The cake I made for celebrating my blog is as simple as I am, initially thought to cakes and special super articulated, but in the end what I most reflects is
SINCERITY'.... A FACTOR IMPRESCENDIBILE .... as does the fact the song Arisa ...^___^

Lemon Cake (recipe from my mom)

Ingredients for base:

200g flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 50g starch

4 eggs

oil 1 cup finely grated zest.
of a lemon juice of half a lemon 200g sugar

For the cream:

300g water 200g sugar 50g

starch 1 egg yolk 1 whole egg

lemon juice
1 limone grattug.

Limoncello per la bagna

Lavorare le uova con lo zucchero e sbattere, versare l'olio e poi unire la farina, la fecola e il lievito. Amalgamare il tutto con la buccia e il succo del limone.
Infornare a forno ben caldo. 180° per circa 30 minuti

Per la crema in una ciotola mettere l acqua e il limone in un tegame e mettere le uova, la fecola e lo zucchero, miscelare il tutto con la farina e poi mettere sul fuoco, mescolate e fate addensare.

Un elemento imprescindibile
Per una relazione stabile
Che punti all’eternità.....

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Spero vi sia piaciuta!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Templates For Community Service Hours Done

Orzotto scented sea

L'estate è alle porte e si inizia quindi con un pò di ricette super light per arrivare in gran forma alla fatidica prova costume....
Il mio segreto sta nel cucinare SENZA OLIO ... è una ricetta semplicissima e velocissima che si può preparare anche il giorno prima ed averlo pronto all'occorrenza!



tomatoes 1 aubergine

parsley garlic onion


black pepper Preparation: Cut
tomatoes and eggplant and place in a large frying pan and pan, add a some water and barley, season with salt and put the garlic parsley el then join the other ingredients and then putting the spices. I follow the cooking while stirring .... and after about 25 minutes the 'orzotto is ready!

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It 's a really light and tasty dish! The fact that it is cooked without oil is really important for those who can not help it could add it after cooking to raw (no more than a spoon ...)

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I hope you will try this recipe !!!!!! A big kiss

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where To Buy A Razor Blade

the incense in the home, info and precautions.

Incense have now become part of Western culture, are found in almost all homes and are used for many purposes, from simple fragrance for the purification and true own home.

are basic elements of many Eastern religions, and are extensively used in natural therapies, massage, treatments, and in the new age in general.

They are marketing a huge variety of incense, of all types and prices.

The widespread that they are having in homes has led the market a proporre ovunque incensi, magari a bassissimo costo e di pessima qualità.

Normalmente gli incensi che compriamo sono quelli da bancarella o da negozietto etnico e hanno mille profumi ed etichette coloratissime con le foto dell'essenza che profuma il prodotto ed altre informazioni.
La maggiorparte di essi, se non con diversa indicazione e certificati, sono pericolosi per la salute di chi li usa.

I comuni incensi a basso prezzo vengono fabbricati in India in grandi stabilimenti che usano una svariata quantità di sostanze chimiche per dare profumo e colore al prodotto.
Possiamo trovare quindi: Essenze sintetiche di laboratorio per profumare l'incenso, coloranti sintetici per colorare , colle varie per formare il prodotto fuels and raw materials of dubious quality and origin.
Incense most commonly in the form of a cone and stick is lit and left burning from one end to create the smoke that characterizes the product.

During the combustion of substances are made of common incense are burned and released into the air through the smoke, also releasing new substance formed by combustion such as formaldehyde. In combustion of these substances, even full of allergens and toxic materials, change shape and change in denatured substances even more hazardous to health and which are in contact with us through the air.
also contain residues of heavy metals that are released into the environment durante l'uso e rilasciano polveri sottilissime inalate e dannose.

I fumi che vengono prodotti da questi incensi( in questo caso di pessima qualità) , sono facilmente inalabili , scendono fin nei polmoni, possono danneggiare il cuore, i polmoni, le arterie, causare problemi respiratori e scatenare allergie di varia entità.
Se non troviamo certificati nelle etichette, non siamo sicuri del prodotto ed il negoziante non sà dare informazioni adeguate, non compriamolo .
La stessa sorte degli incensi la subiscono anche le candele profumate, troppo spesso piene di sostanze tossiche rilasciate nell'aria.
Allora come scegliere un incenso sicuro e non rischiare con la propria salute incappando in prodotti scarsi e tossici ?

Troviamo in commercio circa 4 categorie di incensi diversi.
  • Incensi comuni:
Sono incensi di mille forme , grandezza e colori.
Si trovano nelle bancarelle, dai venditori ambulanti e nei negozi normali. Hanno confezioni colorate con foto del prodotto e della fragranza usata per profumarlo.
Sono facilmente riconoscibili per via del loro basso prezzo e perchè non hanno nessuna garanzia in etichetta. Hanno mille profumi sintetici e non è difficile riconoscere i profumi naturali con i profumi inventati( tipo profumo di cioccolato, di zucchero, di miele, di mela verde ecc).
Hanno confezioni generalmente di carta esagonali o Clear plastic soft.
can also be found in magazines and gift that came with the burning of incense shop.
Through investigation it turns out that facts are mostly underpaid and exploited children for hours by the companies to work for a miseria.Costretti from a myriad of hazards and toxic materials.

be avoided.

  • Incense Incense
Non-toxic non-toxic incense are prepared and certified by the authorities are immediately recognizable for the guarantee on labels and leaflets in them. Have a care package
but sober.
incenses are made with natural ingredients, no dyes, perfumes and synthetic materials dangerous.
are mainly composed of resins, flowers, bark and natural materials for combustion and partly to the notes of the scent.
The scent itself, however, is given by the essential oils of plants which give the main fragrance.
are wrapped in a bamboo stick true to the tradition of India.
not contain heavy metals and are certified on the absence of child labor and the work of adults.
have a generally higher price of incense common, but only slightly.

Good quality and safety.

  • Incense natural ancient method
are handmade resin incense, flowers, bark, plant materials that make up the body and aroma. Are not used essential oils for fragrance because the essence is just the natural materials used. The body is made of natural bamboo.
I am totally free of chemicals and are definitely the highest quality incense on the market.
are handmade from Indian experts in the manufacture of traditional incense.

are the true incense made with ancient methods of tradition.

Natural resins are definitely the most raw incense in nature, without the need for manufactory by man.
resins are produced for the trees remove parasites, bacteria and mold, in case of injury of the plant and to restore the cut and then the cortex.

They have the classic form of natural resin, such as the one we see easily in the pines.
I am totally non-toxic and are completely and entirely produced by plants and not by artificial works.
This ensures the absolute purity of the product. There are various perfumes
data from a variety of different plants.
Their peculiarity is that they need to be burned on charcoal as a basis.

These here are the incense that we find on the market.
After we have the characteristics of the various products we spend some tips the use of incense in the house: * First
never leave the incense unattended.
* never leave them near flammable materials.
* Do not put the incense on surfaces sensitive to heat.
* Keep the windows open and ventilation during use.
* The smoke of incense scrub the wall and tinged with yellow, always ventilate.
* Although the incense are non-toxic, natural resins or only during the combustion always produces smoke, avoid direct inhalation, it is definitely not suitable for the smoke to be inhaled and which substances are not always appropriate to the body.

here I close the article with this tutorial on incense and their characteristics. We always
to learn about everything that comes in contact with us and that we use without knowing the characteristics, problems and uses.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Son Has Eczema Images

DEDICATED to my parents ... PLUMCAKE

do not know if you know it but I'm an only child, to me family is everything and everything revolves around them, I could never imagine a life without them, without my parents, the only people in the world that I REALLY LOVE YOU, I grew up without the support of either a brother or sister, with no one to download my anxieties, my troubles, my fears and doubts ... I have always tried to imagine what could have been my life having a sister or a brother, but I am proud of how I grew , I learned many things in life, I faced many problems and I'm always out heads held high, all of course only ever thanks to my parents! Sorry for this little outburst


Plumcake Ricotta and Chocolate (recipe taken from Arietta ALF)

Ingredients 3 eggs - 200 gr
. sugar - 250 gr
. fresh ricotta cheese - 1 cup oil

1 vanilla - 1 tablespoon baking

300 gr. flour -
chocolate chips (to taste)

Break the eggs, beaten with sugar, add the ricotta and stir until the mixture becomes creamy. Add a glass (not so great, I put it almost always a p less than a full cup) of oil, or peanut or olive oil, to taste and according to what is "strong" taste oil olive oil you use. Put the vanilla, flour and baking powder. Grease the mold and cook for about half an hour in the oven to 180 degrees.

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This plumcake I did own the home of my mother !!!!! ^___^

Hello everyone !!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Diagram Of Length Of Arc

Muffins Hazelnut Muffins Tropical

Buoooooongiorno and good start of the week !!!!!!
arcistufa I'm sick of this rain and now with us for months in Sardinia, cold and rain ... bastaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Better get down to the recipe today, one of my favorite varieties is the hazelnut, Saturday afternoon I was undecided about which trick to do and how I usually start to wander on the internet, flip through books and magazines all the time I open the fridge .... Then my eye falls on a yogurt nutty taste .... ... mumble mumble .... and turns on the light bulb ... muffin Hazelnut ... gnammete gnammete ^____^
As for the recipe say it is a bit of a half my invention, So I can proudly say successful experiment


a hazelnut flavor yogurt (I used one of the muller)

250 g flour 3 eggs 100g sugar

70 ml extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon baking

hazelnut chocolate

Processing: Working
the egg yolks with sugar and yogurt, then add the oil and flour. Stir and add yeast, then finally add the egg whites and whisk stirring from bottom to top, finally add the chopped hazelnuts and chocolate Tempestini!
Bake in a hot oven. 180 degrees for about 20 minutes

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Lately I've been using the muffin tin and fill in paper cups!

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I put on the dome a little melted chocolate, just not to miss anything!!

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Kisses kisses

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sample Of Personal Letter For Dental Hygienist

CAKE Tenerina

Good Sunday to all!
Yesterday I made a cake very gorgeous and sinful ,

The recipe for this cake I got it from the site of the great Maurizio Santin (a name a guarantee), I thank however, also Arietta as the first time I saw this cake from her own ^ _ ^

CAKE Tenerina


6 eggs 400 g dark chocolate (cocoa percentage depending on personal taste)
200 gr butter 200 gr sugar

Melt the chocolate with the butter and let cool.

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Whip the egg yolks with sugar until 'they become light and fluffy and add them to the chocolate with the butter. Whisk the abum firm and delicately to the ground. Butter a mold of 26-28 cm in diameter, pour the mixture and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° for 30 minutes.

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The cake must be very low.

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Then all 'Finally I decided to decorate .... ^_____^ Whipped cream and berries!

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What about the interior .... indeed very hot warm notes of chocolate, which dominates at large in this cake, strong taste that only chocolate can give, and extremely CREAMY SCIOGLIEVOLE in the mouth, I personally reminded much of the flavor gianduiotto!

Be sure to try it, then let me know!
A big kiss from you soon Cuochina

Friday, February 13, 2009

How Is Basketball Different Today

seem strange to post this recipe since the cold climate of these days ;-) are muffins I made last weekend and have received a good rating, the recipe was taken from a book in English and in fact Gemma Reece I noticed the big difference from the classic strategic American muffins, that I noticed that the English muffin is much more humid and appearance looks more like a mini cake!
are well suited to serve as a dessert because of their scioglievolezza in your mouth!
I apologize for the quality of the photos, but I realized only at the last to have the batteries of the digital and I had to do with your mobile phone!

Tropical Muffin (Recipe by Gemma Reece)


3 / 4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon
bicabornato sodium

115 g of butter 1 cup brown sugar 2

large eggs beaten 2 tablespoons yogurt 1 tablespoon whole

rum 1 ripe banana, sliced \u200b\u200b
75g canned pineapple slices
1 / 2 cup of dried coconut grated


4 tablespoons sugar cane
a little grated coconut

Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda in a bowl. In another bowl mix the butter with the sugar and then incorporate the eggs, yogurt and rum. Finally, add the banana, pineapple, coconut and stir gently, then add the flour to the fruit without working too much dough will be lumpy.

Distribute cups in the muffin and garnish with a little sugar and coconut, then bake for 20 minutes.

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Once cooked serve warm!

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Again I ask your pardon for the photos :-((((

A kiss from your Morettina Kiss

Ps: I am from about 3 days at home with the flu :-(

Monday, February 9, 2009

Original Karadavis Mental

Ecco alcune foto di montagna