Creamy yogurt pear with chocolate sauce
arghhhh! We are in an emergency!!
yesterday a short circuit blew up half the house .. ... The series: no electricity for several hours ... and on his return the discovery of the damage: board of boiler "kaput" and now, for at least 3-4 days, no hot water ... (And cold showers ... !!!!! brrrrrr between the day before yesterday there was a continuous downpour with a clear drop in temperatures that has fatto penare ancora di più)
certo che.... i guasti succedono SEMPRE nei giorni festivi o pre-festivi......
comunque, anche in emergenza non volevo esimermi dal preparare un dolcetto per il contest "
Yogurt ti amo " della mia nipotina virtuale
Sara (a proposito..lo so che non c'è bisogno che ve lo dica, perchè Saretta è una ragazza mitica e quello che penso di lei l'ho a suo tempo scritto
qui , ma ve lo dico lo stesso:
partecipate tutti in massaaaaa!!!!)
the cake is a very simple .... and the combination of flavors is the banal "pear-chocolate ...... but I can assure you that served in this way, the papilla is assured success!
since we are on the subject, I wanted to tell you one thing I did not notice until yesterday: pear yogurt is really good: it is true ... it is not easy to find ... Yesterday I tasted for the first time and I really liked a lot!!
But back to today's sweet: orrendissime sorry the pictures ... but better than that today I could not do (sorry ).... Sara possible that the short circuit has also involved my digital ????? eheheh!!
For the chocolate sauce, I made up the recipe by Angelo Principe (with my pochisssime variants) is excellent, I recommend it. I take pictures to use as soon as I removed from the refrigerator so that it more dense and therefore have more time for photos and dripped from the edges of the cake ... but for the other portions have warmed in the microwave a few seconds: it is smoother and it is fantastic!!
doses for 4 / 5 pcs. (Silicone molds)
- no. 6 conf. 125-pear yoghurt
- no. 7 sheets of gr. 2 of gelatin
- nr. 1 cucchiaio di maraschino
per la salsa alla crema:
- gr. 125 di acqua
- gr. 125 di latte intero
- gr. 150 di zucchero
- gr. 35 di cacao amaro
- gr. 100 di cioccolato fondente (previsti 75 gr.)
- nr. 2 cucchiaini di maizena (previsti 5 gr.)
Procedimento :
salsa al cioccolato : mettere in un pentolino l'acqua, il latte, lo zucchero ed il cacao. Portare ad ebollizione e aggiungere la maizena. Cuocere circa un minuto, togliere dal fuoco e aggiungere il cioccolato spezzettato. Mescolare bene fino al completo sciglimento del cioccolato. Mettere in un barattolo di vetro (dovrebbe resistere nel frigorifero almeno 15 days.).
yogurt cakes: Put the sheets of gelatine to soak in cold water. Heat the yogurt (in a bowl) in the microwave for about a minute. Dissolve the gelatin with a tablespoon of maraschino, and then pour it on yogurt. Stir well to mix everything, then fill the molds of silicone. Chill for several hours (I've left them all night).
To turn them I went through a boxcutter on the edges to loosen and then I turned them on a plate.
serve with chocolate sauce heated in the microwave (or in a pot)
my daughter, always on a diet, has preferito gustarseli così (semplicissimi ma sempre buoni ..... e..... con pochissime calorie!!!!):
le nostre porzioni invece erano così:
a noi, anche semplici, sono piaciuti moltissimo...spero piacciano anche a voi
un abbraccio e alla prossima.