Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Much Abuse Can A Liver Take

The plants in the house, cleansing and wellness.

Many do not know, but the presence of these beings and colored green in our homes, in addition to beautify the environment and to make furniture, purification and physical well-being give to people who live there.

The house plants, various species choices over the years have proved to be able to live well within the premises, are good to the positive in our daily lives.
Their presence has many beneficial powers, starting from the house until the health of the person.

In feng shui and new age lifestyles and pagan magic and the plants are considered bearers of welfare, which is why we look at some of the factors key that allows them to have all these well-known quality.

Purification energy environments:
Plants have the power to absorb and neutralize negative energies and stagnant in the present case, their energy giving the same serenity invades the environments, especially when in bloom!

chemical purification of air:
All houseplants have different qualities filtratrici air we breathe. Unable to absorb toxins and pollutants from the air, returning air more healthy and positive. In addition to absorbing substances also absorbs moisture in the air, helping to stop the growth of mold in the walls, making the environment healthier.

Naturalness in the house:
The presence of green in the rooms makes us more in touch with nature, staying in the house, the mere sight of leaves, flowers and positive and harmonious makes us relieve stress.

magical properties:
The plants are very subtle energies of containers and special items, which have an impact on the environment near many of them have been used for millennia for their specific properties, such as exorcism of mint.

To take full advantage of the properties and characteristics of plants in house must be adhered to the rules that have the same value for all plants.

The plants should always be kept at a level of brightness suitable for the species, but generally not a good direct light is always pleasing to the plant that shows a more rigorous and fast growth.

The vessel where the plant grows to be always suitable for the species you are growing a little bit more ground when possible is always pleasing to the better plant that sinks its roots and grows vigorously.

The saying that the plants can not be put in the rooms because they produce carbon dioxide and hurt those who sleep in the room is false. The amount of carbon dioxide that plants produce is absolutely irrelevant, and still nothing problematic given the fact that it is good use air the rooms before going to sleep.

beauty tips:
not ruin the beauty of our plants by putting them in pots that do not bring out the shapes and the plant itself.
For each type of plant we try to find a vessel that goes well and that makes the plant even more ugly, more showy. For example, a pothos can be very nice if placed on an oval pot while the plant fall gently downward.

generally are not recommended in metal pots that absorb stagnant energy and collide with those of the plant.
are preferred vases made of natural materials such as pottery, ceramics, wood, stone etc.. going to energize even the environment itself.

For Bedrooms, not abuse of plants, and not to plant as large as the Kenzi forming shadows and shapes that can inquitare at night, and make the environment less hospitable and less spacious. It is instead to plant orchids and small / medium that enhance the positive and give room to those who sleep.


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