Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rubber Canning Jar Rings

pies at Christmas can warm the heart

Here I am finally updating my blogghino ....
I prepared the cupcakes really gorgeous and special, the recipe is the talented pastry chef Valentina Gigli !!
ideal to serve as a sweet dessert after a romantic dinner to round off the evening staring into my eyes and not only .... :-) And savoring the intense pleasure that causes this pie on the palate ... perhaps accompanied with a coffee or a moscato slaying!

pies warm-hearted

for 8 patties
INGREDIENTS 200g butter 200g dark chocolate chopped

40g flour 160g caster sugar 4 eggs 00

vanilla taste
8 disposable aluminum molds

In a glass bowl place the chocolate, butter, sugar and vanilla.
Place the bowl in the microwave or double boiler and scioglietene content.

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Mix well with a spatula to dissolve any lumps rimasti.Mettete from the dough and let cool.

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Meanwhile greased and floured 8 disposable aluminum molds. This is a very delicate step. Run it with care and not risk that the cake remains attached to the mold.

Keep from the molds and proceed with the execution of the cake.
Take back the dough and start adding the eggs one at a time.
Stir well before moving the next egg.
add the flour all at once.
Mix well until completely absorbed with a ladle of farina.Aiutandovi proceed the division of the dough into the molds.
Consider the mix is \u200b\u200bright for the 8 molds, and then begin to deploy a spoon in each stencil.
What remains to divide it into the molds, so as to obtain a more homogeneous as possible.

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Place the patties on a tray and cover it well with the film trasparente.A Then place them in the freezer, making sure to keep them in a horizontal position for at least 4 hours before cooking.
When cooking preheat oven to 200 ° C and when it is hot, put yourself inside the pies straight from the freezer.

The cooking time varies from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the oven.

And I am glad I came out !!!!!!! DIVINATION

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As you can see from the picture here is the center of the pie as it should be, you can not understand my joy ... I sincerely thought were good in one!!

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Inverse carefully the cake on a serving dish and proceed with the decoration of the dish!!

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The picture speaks for itself ....

soon with new updates .....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Doctor Buggy Dimensions

time new wines .... Spaghetti with Ricci

Hello! Today I am speaking of the dinner on Saturday prepared me Mister Big, I brought the wine ... el 'love! The cellar
Sella & Mosca Alghero produces one of the best Italian novel, the Rubicante.
E 'on a ruby \u200b\u200bred wine, immediate and persistent aroma. The taste and 'lightly carbonated, fruity and tannic. It is an excellent accompaniment to appetizers of land (especially mushrooms and cheese), pasta and main courses of beef (very good game, hare and wild boar). Personally I love the Reds even with the fish (grouper, amberjack, sea bream and sea urchins in the oven ...) and Rubicante lends itself well to this unusual accostamento.Unica recommendation: no esagerate! E' pur sempre un vino di oltre 11°. ^___^

Spaghetti ai Ricci e Bottarga (Le dosi sono indicative)

400 gr. di spaghetti N° 5
300 gr. di polpa di riccio fresca
prezzemolo tritato fresco
olio extravergine
Un pò di vino rosso
Una noce di burro
Il segreto di un buon spaghetto ai ricci è saperlo amalgamare con il burro

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Secondo me i ricci sono veramente il cibo degli Dei se poi vengono mangiati con quell'altra prelibatezza che è la bottarga di muggine si rischia veramente di toccare il Paradiso....

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It 's true that the two flavors are very different, but the final mix I like so much.

Now I would like to thank all those who have given me awards! I promise that soon I'll make a special post! A big kiss :-)))

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sample Of Personal Letter About Dental Hygenist

cake nutella

This recipe is super now proven! I felt the first time about two years ago, comes from the legendary and super cuochina Nightfairy I had the pleasure of meeting through the forum of cokaround! The version I did the first time I was filled with lemon cream, a real pleasure, if you want to see the result you can peek here!

Rose Cream Pie Lemon

500 g.
manitoba flour 120 g.

sugar 2 eggs 60 g. 25 g soft butter
120 g.
milk grated rind of 1 lemon salt

Mix in a bowl 150 grams flour and yeast dissolved in slightly warmed milk.
will get a kind of batter to let it rise for about 40 minuti.Trascorso this time, add the remaining ingredients to the batter dough, adding milk as needed to get a soft dough. Work hard and long, until non sarà più appiccicosa (nel caso lo fosse troppo, aggiungete altra farina).

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Dovrete ottenere una pasta morbida, tipo brioche.
Mettete di nuovo a lievitare per un paio d'ore, o finché il volume è circa il doppio di quello iniziale.
Sgonfiate l'impasto lievitato schiacciandolo con le mani sulla spianatoia.Con il matterello stendetelo, formando un rettangolo di circa 1/2cm. di spessore, con il lato più corto di circa 20cm. (l'altro lato dovrebbe risultate di 50-60cm.).

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Spalmate la nutella ed arrotolate la sfoglia ottenendo un lungo "salame".Tagliatelo in logs of about 4cm. long (it will be 12-13) you will place vertical, slightly apart from each other in a buttered pan, 26cm. in diameter.

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Let rise for another forty minuti.Infine bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

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Here's a rose in the detail! Notice the softness of the interior!

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And now the details of the interior nutella ....

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I recommend you try to make a gorgeous and super breakfast!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Inexpensive Male Anniversary Gifts

Angelica Rose Salata Sisters of Mississippi Mud Pie Similar

As I already wrote here I had purchased online the Holy Grail that is the Book of the Sisters Similar "bread and sweet stuff! A book with an antique flavor, homemade recipes made from the "guru" of the bakery! Known worldwide for their cooking school, the twins Margherita and Valeria Similar - universally known as the Sisters Similar courses are available in Europe, America and Japan, always with great success. "Bread and sweet stuff" is a simple recipe on the food: it teaches how to make bread at home in different varieties of traditional Italian cakes and many of the most common, like bagels, panettone, cakes, croissants, doves and so on.


dough 135 g flour
half loaf of yeast
75 g water (approximately)
Mix all ingredients and let rise for 30 minutes.

400 g flour 3 tablespoons of grated cheese (Parmesan or pecorino)

120 g lukewarm milk 1 egg ½ teaspoon salt 1

120 g soft butter
mix all ingredients and let rise about an hour.

In a bowl put the flour, make a fountain in the center add the warm milk, egg yolks, salt, Parmesan and butter. Mix well all ingredients, turn the mixture on the table and join the lievitino. Knead until the two bodies will not be smooth. Put the dough in the bowl and let rise one hour. A rising completed overthrow the dough on the table and draw a rectangle without working 2-3 mm thick.

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For the filling

black olives, ham and bacon

Roll the long side and cut the roll in half lengthwise. Carefully separate the two pieces, turn out the cut edge to form a braid so that the cut remains as much as possible outside.

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Let rise until doubled

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Bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes!

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Sorry for the last photo, but my digital is now dying :-((((
This version of angelica is excellent to serve as an appetizer for Christmas!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Filmes Online De Incesto

Animali da Guinnes

The python heavier (183 kg) was weighed at the American Safari Park. While another python won by length (10.1 meters).

Fish rocket
Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) is the fastest fish known to date, one of the most exciting record, you have reached one hundred kilometers per hour for a distance of 90 meters .

The prize for having traveled more miles it has won a locust that has traveled 4500 km for a migration from North Africa and the Caribbean Guyana.

blue whale
The record for the largest animal in the world and held by a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) 35 meters long.

Research done by the magazine Airone