Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sample Of Personal Letter About Dental Hygenist

cake nutella

This recipe is super now proven! I felt the first time about two years ago, comes from the legendary and super cuochina Nightfairy I had the pleasure of meeting through the forum of cokaround! The version I did the first time I was filled with lemon cream, a real pleasure, if you want to see the result you can peek here!

Rose Cream Pie Lemon

500 g.
manitoba flour 120 g.

sugar 2 eggs 60 g. 25 g soft butter
120 g.
milk grated rind of 1 lemon salt

Mix in a bowl 150 grams flour and yeast dissolved in slightly warmed milk.
will get a kind of batter to let it rise for about 40 minuti.Trascorso this time, add the remaining ingredients to the batter dough, adding milk as needed to get a soft dough. Work hard and long, until non sarà più appiccicosa (nel caso lo fosse troppo, aggiungete altra farina).

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Dovrete ottenere una pasta morbida, tipo brioche.
Mettete di nuovo a lievitare per un paio d'ore, o finché il volume è circa il doppio di quello iniziale.
Sgonfiate l'impasto lievitato schiacciandolo con le mani sulla spianatoia.Con il matterello stendetelo, formando un rettangolo di circa 1/2cm. di spessore, con il lato più corto di circa 20cm. (l'altro lato dovrebbe risultate di 50-60cm.).

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Spalmate la nutella ed arrotolate la sfoglia ottenendo un lungo "salame".Tagliatelo in logs of about 4cm. long (it will be 12-13) you will place vertical, slightly apart from each other in a buttered pan, 26cm. in diameter.

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Let rise for another forty minuti.Infine bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

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Here's a rose in the detail! Notice the softness of the interior!

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And now the details of the interior nutella ....

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I recommend you try to make a gorgeous and super breakfast!


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