Sunday, January 23, 2011

Directions To 12055 Queens Blvd Kew Garden

bananas and yogurt drops ....... Turkish Cups Tart

ie: good, light and .... fast!!
how nice ..... After Sunday, Sunday ... Sunday in bad weather and finally today we see the sun!! ....... but .... phew!!
uff why?? because the sun just touches me to see him through the glass, with runny nose, dry eye and pain everywhere!!
evvabbéééé ... then it is ..... Ortuno sf!
will mean I'll spend the afternoon lying in bed, reading a good book.
A bit 'for my physical condition and a bit' to protest against the inclement weather so that they mocked the sotttoscritto, for this Sunday I had decided not to put myself in the kitchen ... and, for once, be an armchair in a warm blanket ....
masses ... but then ... by ... at least a little something not too challenging, you could always groped to do .. (^_-)
and besides .... I noticed in the refrigerator 4 beautiful (once) bananas that were starting to show signs of old age (the series was getting dark skin: mmmm, could perhaps be caused by the sun tan unexpected? ... Booh !)
and, therefore, "spintaneamente" of my own, I decided to consume the sweet today.
after seeing around a bit 'of recipes, I did my own thing: a cake so light and very simple to make: just throw everything in a blender and you're done!
- gr. 450 of banana pulp
- gr. 60
butter - 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
- gr. 250
flour - 1 / 2 tablespoon baking vanilla
- gr. 100 chocolate chips (I think it would put even more)
- 1 pinch of salt
- gr. 150 sugar cane
- 2 small eggs
- gr. 100 of the banana yogurt (ehm. .. the jar was 125, but I could not resist the temptation to taste a spoonful)
Mash bananas with a fork until a puree. Place brown sugar in a mixer con il burro mordido ed amalgamare. Senza smettere di far girare il mixer, aggiungere in sequenza: le 2 uova, il sale, la purea di banane, la farina setacciata con il lievito e la cannella. Per ultimo, togliere le lame dal mixer e, nel contenitore stesso, utilizzando un cucchiaio di legno, mescolare all'impasto le gocce gi cioccolato. Trasferire il tutto in una tortiera imburrata del diametro di cm. 24 e cuocere nel forno a 180° per circa 45 minuti (vale sempre la prova stecchino).
Una volta fredda, se volete, cospargere la torta con zucchero a velo.
io l'ho servita con whipped cream, sweetened with a little 'sugar icing: really good!!
we really liked, I hope you like it too!
ps: I realized today that if the batteries are almost empty of digital photos are even more horrible than usual ...
the next! (^_-)


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